Monday, December 26, 2011

[NEWS] 111226 JYJ’s Jaejoong reveals his ideal type

JYJ‘s Jaejoong revealed that his ideal woman is someone who ‘pushes and pulls’.

On December 25th, in KBS Radio CoolFM‘s ‘Choi Kang Hee’s Night Flight‘, Jaejoong replied to Choi Kanghee’s question, “What is your dating style in reality? What kind of woman pulls you?

He replied with, “In reality, it’s romantic when you’re just dating. I like those without double-eyelids. A lot of people do surgery nowadays, but I like women who don’t have the double eyelids.

He elaborated with, “It seems that as time passes by, my ideal woman changes. Before it was, ‘I like those with pretty hands and feet’, but it changed a lot now. I would like it if her personality was random. I like woman who push and pull [play hard].

Jaejoong joined his ‘Protect the Boss‘ co-stars Choi Kang Hee and Ji Sung for the radio’s Christmas special on December 25th. His appearance was said to have been made possible through his connections with Choi Kang Hee.

source: TV Report via Nate
credit: allkpop

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