Tuesday, December 27, 2011

[NEWS] JYJ carry on a campaign for the prevention of painkiller misuse

JYJ are carrying on a campaign to prevent painkiller misuse.

On December 27, Chong Kun Dang, a pharmaceutical company, announced that it will carry on a nationwide campaign for the prevention of painkiller misuse for three months from January next year.

JYJ have been working as models for Penzal Q, a painkiller brand of Chong Kun Dang, and loved by many teens and women in their 20s and 30s.

As the first part of the campaign, Penzal Q is carrying an ad for the prevention of painkiller misuse campaign with JYJ (part 1) in a women’s magazine and report information about the right amount of dosage for painkillers according to the age.

A spokesperson of Penzal Q says, “The campaign for the prevention of painkiller misuse is to protect teens’ safety and health by encouraging them to keep the recommended amount of dosage and number for painkillers according to the age. We thought this campaign with JYJ would be working because JYJ are familiar to the general public.”

Source: Starnews
Credit: en.korea.com
Shared by: sharingyoochun.net

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