Tuesday, December 27, 2011

[TRANS] Person In Focus: Tohoshinki In AERA Magazine

“I want to learn how to cook. But the only thing I’ve ever made for Yunho is ramen.” (Changmin)

This is Changmin, who relieves stress by eating good food. A person who focuses on the basics, Changmin has the qualities of a good chef. Although according to Yunho, Changmin’s ramen seems to be “…”

It’s not just Japan and Korea. In Paris, fans who couldn’t get into the concert started a demonstration, and an extra concert was added. Even till now, they are supported passionately by their fans, with a “Star” presence that hasn’t changed.

They were filled with nervousness during the shoot, but after it was over, Yunho ran up to one of the magazine staff members and said , “You look like Matsujun.”

He said that the staff member looked like Arashi’s Matsumoto Jun. Then, he said to the embarrassed staff member, “Because it’s my hobby to look out for lookalikes,” giving a carefree laugh.

With an overwhelming aura, yet occasionally showing a type of friendliness that makes them feel like they are within you reach. The combination of these two qualities make Tohoshinki, Yunho and Changmin’s true worth. But there are also points where the two men are in total contrast.

Oblivious of the intense performances on stage, Yunho is full of cute actions. Changmin considers everything one by one and replies politely. For example, they were asked how they was able to answer in Japanese without the use of an interpreter in the midst of such a hard schedule, these were their answers.


“I watch anime, such as ‘Detective Conan,’’One Piece,’ and others.”(Yunho)

“I took the time, and studied everything properly starting from grammar.”(Changmin)

Even the places that they want to go in Japan are different. Yunho chose Hokkaido’s Niseko (T/N: One of Japan’s most famous Ski resort towns). As snowboarding is his hobby, he really wants to go there. Despite the persistent questioning, he said “Who with? Hoho..”and was thrown into a situation.

For Changmin, he searched on the internet for delicious shops that he was interested in and wanted to try going there. But regretfully, it is not so easy to just go to these places. Therefore, he would order from a popular curry shop where you can pick the spiciness of the food. He orders the “10 times”(spiciness level). “It’s good when you eat it while going ‘Hot!’” he said. The perfect style is achieved by maintenance, such as not consuming anything but water after 7pm.
Tohoshinki’s “true self” is a blend of different characters. In the opening of 2012, they will be doing nationwide lives at 9 locations in Japan, and we wonder what kind of blend they will show us.

Source: [Yoonhostar + AERA]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

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