Friday, December 30, 2011

[TRANS] Tohoshinki In Urepia Magazine: Recommending Delicacies

Tohoshinki, who restarted activities in January this year, has been gaining more new fans as they course through Korea and Japan, beginning with Asia and headed towards the world. Encountering the delicious food all around the world is also a great pleasure for Yunho and Changmin! With Korean food, which gives them the energy to showcase powerful performances, as core, we asked them about the tastes that they like.

What is your favourite Korean food?
Yunho: I recommend eating grilled meat with cold noodles!
Changmin: I’m hooked on a very spicy chicken dish.

What is the Korean dish that is good for health, that you would like to recommend to Japanese?
Yunho: Ginseng chicken soup with a whole chicken is not only very nutritious, but very good for when the weather is cold!
Changmin: Seafood hotpot is good for your skin as well as your health!

What (dishes) do you like in Japan?
Yunho: At this time of the year I want to eat the warm motsunabe. (T/N: Hotpot with pork or beef offal)
Changmin: I’m now hooked on extremely spicy ramen (laughs).

This year, you released the photobook “El Sol”, photographed by Mika Ninagawa. What were the good dishes you ate when you went to Andalucía and Madrid in Spain for the shoot?
Yunho: As expected, the paella was delicious.
Changmin: The grilled meatballs we had at this place which is said to be the oldest restaurant in the world.

This year you stood on stage with artists from the same company for the SM Town Live, and went to Paris and New York. You also visited Australia and Las Vegas, where K-Pop festivals were being held, among other countries. Was there any food from the countries you visited this year that you felt was really delicious?
Yunho: This may seem rather ordinary, but the bread and omelette we had in Paris for breakfast was delicious.
Changmin: The kebab that was included in the catered food provided at the performance venue in Australia was delicious.

Are there any desserts you like?
Yunho: Cakes with a lot of fresh fruits in them.
Changmin: I don’t really like sweet things, but I like pudding.

Is there a type of food which makes you think “I would be so happy if I had this”?
Yunho: As expected, it’s my mother’s homemade dishes.
Changmin: I feel happiness when I perspire while eating extremely spicy ramen.

You will be touring nation-wide starting next January with “Live Tour 2012 – TONE”. What are the dishes that you are looking forward to eating? Aside from Sapporo’s lamb shabu shabu and crab, Nagoya’s hitsumabushi (T/N: Eel rice box) and Fukuoka’s motsunabe that are a given, is there anything else you would like to try?
Yunho: I’m anticipating Fukuoka’s motsunabe the most! Aside from the standard dishes, I’m also looking forward to once again eating the okonomiyaki (T/N: Japanese pancake) we had in Osaka before.
Changmin: I’m anticipating everything! Among those, I’m really anticipating the crab. Aside from that, I also remember the teppanyaki steak from Kobe.

What kind of live performance do you hope to present for the tour?
Yunho: We will work hard to showcase a live that will satisfy everyone who has waited for Tohoshinki.
Changmin: I want to create opportunities such that everyone can not only watch, but also enjoy and get excited together.

Looking back on the activities in 2011, what is one that left the deepest impression?
Yunho: The comeback stage in January left the deepest impression because we were the most nervous then.
Changmin: It’s the photoshoot in Spain. The sea, the mountains, the streets of Madrid and the food. Our first visit to Spain bears many good memories.

Source: [BaiduTVXQ + Urepia Magazine Feb 2012 Issue]
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