Tuesday, December 20, 2011

[TRANS] Tohoshinki on HEY!HEY!HEY! (20th Dec 2011)

Hamada: OK. So next is Tohoshinki, they are at their standby!
YH&CM: Thank you
H: So what is Tohoshinki's energy source? 
Matsumoto: Lets go! 
H&M: Very hot (spicy) food.
CM: When I eat spicy food, I overcome my stress, I like spicy food.
M: Are you saying that the stress will disappear?
CM: Yes. I frequently eat them
H: Is it only for you? 
M: BoA sitting next to me is..
YH: Changmin…
M: (BoA is) saying, "Only that?" 
H: BoA is finding fault with your comments! 
M: From your senior BoA..
CM: Sorry, Senpai (T/N: senior)
H: Are you saying "HAHA"?
M: Do you have "Hosoku (T/N: supplementary explanation)?"
H: Yes, please
CM: What do you mean by "Hosoku"?
M: He’s saying that he couldn’t understand the word "Hosoku". Did you say everything you want to say?
YH: Well, Changmin can eat spicy food, but for me, when I go to a restaurant together with Changmin, I'll die. REALLY. 
M: You mean, is it too spicy?
YH: The one who can eat spicy food is; only Changmin! 
M: Oh, really? Then, what is your energy source?
H: What is it?
YH: For me? Oh, for me, its spicy food, too! 
H&M: What are you saying? Leave them alone! 
H: Sing your song right now! So please standby.

Source: HEY!HEY!HEY! & miyu2655@youtube
Translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

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