Saturday, December 24, 2011

[TRANS] Tohoshinki’s Japanese Ballad Single Certified Gold Once Again By The Recording Industry Association Of Japan

Toshoshinki has been given the recognition of a gold record in Japan.

The single-album “Winter Rose” released by Tohoshinki on 30 Nov has once again received certification from the Recording Industry Association Of Japan (RIAJ). This single is Tohoshinki’s first Japanese ballad single as a duo. Following its release, the single achieved over 100,000 copies in sales within less than a month, and received recognition from the RIAJ. Also, “Winter Rose” began selling in Korea since 21 Dec, and has also received very good response.

Tohoshinki will be holding a nation-wide Japanese tour, “Tohoshinki Live Tour 2012 TONE” next year, beginning in Yokohama on 18 Jan, followed by Nagoya, Fukuoka, Sapporo, Niigata, Hiroshima, Okayama, Osaka and Saitama, among other cities.

Source : [BaiduTVXQ + Sports Chosun via Nate]
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