Friday, December 30, 2011

[TWITTER] Jaejoong's Twitter Update

30th dec 2011, 01:32 KST
누구에게 한번씩 닥치는 수많은 순간들. 그 순간은 무너질것같아 죽고싶을 정도로 숨막히는 시간들..돌이켜보면 또 금방이였던 장면들이 다시 또 돌아왔을때..지금의 난 어떻게 해야하나.. 이번에 추천할책입니다..
[Trans] The many moments where things keep piling on you. At that moment, you feel like you're going to break, those times you become short of breath to the point of wanting to die.. If you look back, when those moments that were so short-lived come back to you again.. What should the me of the present moment do.. This is the book I'm recommending this time..

Trans via AllRiseXiahtic 

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