Sunday, December 25, 2011

[TWITTER] Jaejoong's Twitter Update+Pictures

25th Dec 2011, 15:13 KST
모두 따뜻한 크리스마스 보냈을까?
[TRANS] Is everyone having a warm Christmas?

15:14 KST
이번엔 트리가 고작 요거다..
[TRANS] This year's (Christmas) tree is just that one..

15:15 KST
그리고 혼자다..
[TRANS] And alone..

15:16 KST
우울함의 극치를 달리던 그때..해골이 날바라본다...
[TRANS] The depressed expression on the skeleton.. feels like it's looking at me when I run through there...

15:17 KST
[TRANS] Eh...? What is this..

15:18 KST
자세히 봐보자..죄다 코끼리다..;;
[TRANS] Let's take a closer look.. they're all elephants..;;

15:19 KST
결국 코끼리 관중에 혼자 축구게임...
[TRANS] In the end, the elephants became the audience for my one-player soccer game...

15:20 KST
난 이렇게 크리스마스를 보냈습니다.. 왜 저의모습만 보이지않냐구요..? 츄리닝에 너덜한티셔츠..음..상상에 맡길게요~ 아무튼 메리크리스마스^^
[TRANS] This is how I spent my Christmas day.. Why is it that you don't see me..? Sweat pants with a loose t-shirt.. mm.. I will leave it up to your imagination~ Merry Christmas^^

Source: Jaejoong's Twitter
Translation by: Ryuinnie+12262003 @
Shared by: DBSKnights

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