Thursday, December 29, 2011

[TWITTER] Mir's Twitter Update

29th Dec 2011, 11:03 KST
추운데이른아침부터응원와주신A+너무감사드려요~+_+!! 조만간심하게낙서한번해보자구요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[Trans] Thank you so much to the A+ who came early in the cold morning~+_+!! In a little bit lets do some serious graffiti ke ke ke ke

23:44 KST
아이고..오늘같이무대에설수있었던것만으로도영광이였습니다..ㅠ 이번계기로더열심히노력하겠습니다 ㅠ
[Trans] Aigoo... It was an honor for me to stand on the stage together..ㅠ I'll make more efforts with this opportunity ㅠ

TRANSLATION: lovelyjoonie @ AbsoluteMBLAQ 

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