Friday, December 30, 2011

[TWITTER] Mir's Twitter Updates (30th Dec 2011)

19:55 KST
여러분낙서많이듣고싶죠?조금만참으세요?ㅋㅋㅋ 듣다보면 어!!!???????뭐야!!!!!!????진짜야!!!!!!???? 라는반응이오는부분이있다는거..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[Trans] Everyone you must wanna listen to Scribble so badly right? Please wait a bit more?kkk kkk When you listen to it it will be like WOW!!!???????WHAT!!!!!!???? this kinds of reactions..kkkkkk 

19:56 KST
참으세요? 물음표왜했지..흠..오타입니다..
[Trans] Wait? Why did I type the question mark..hum.. It's a typo..

23:08 KST
[Trans] I shall practice my pumping at home.. 

Trans via chy328sh & mblaqsg

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