Monday, December 19, 2011

[TWITTER] Mir's Twitter Updates + G.O's reply (19th Dec 2011)

23:11 KST
사람들이살이빠졌다빠졌다해서몸무게재봤더니4kg이훅빠져있었다 ㅠㅠ
[Trans] People said repeatedly that it seemed I lost my weight, so I weighed myself, then I became 4Kg thinner ㅠㅠ

23:25 KST
G.O @BangMir 우와 좋겠네? 난 4키로 쪘는데
[Trans] Wow, it's good? I gained 4Kg weight.

23:24 KST
Mir @MBLAQGO 4키로쪘으니한턱쏘십쇼
[Trans] Treat us because you gained 4Kg weight

00:17 KST
[Trans] Yes it will be that girl group’s dance which everyone is thinking about ..-_-.. 
Trans via absoluteMBLAQ & APLUS_QUALITY

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