Saturday, January 14, 2012

[TWITTER] Jaejoong's Twitter Updates (14th Jan 2012)

17:18 KST

今日本当に楽しかった(T . T)

[Trans] Today has been really fun. (T.T)

18:14 KST

오늘의 셀카인데..나좀 늙었어.. 僕たちはまだ生きてる라고 자신있게말했는데..신중한관리가 필요할듯! 오늘 너무즐거웠어.^^今日最高に楽しかった(^-^)/

[Trans] This is today's selca and.. I look a bit old.. I confidently said "we're still alive" but... I think I would need careful management (of my looks)! Today was so fun.^^ Today was really very fun (^-^)/

18:30 KST

[Trans] ppyong!  

18:38 KST

선물을 이만큼이나 받아버렸어요..감사합니다 저 포대들..다 안뜯으면 난 그냥 이렇게 살아야한다..ㅠ 선물 개봉식을 열고 인증할게요 ^^ 
[Trans] I received this much gifts... Thank you very much to those burlap sacks.. If I don't get to open them all up I should live like this..ㅠ (T/N: Let the sacks line up like that) i'll open them up and show you proof ^^

Trans via joejjang 

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