Monday, January 16, 2012

[FAN ACC] MBLAQ's This is War at Inkigayo

等下午的本放中..전쟁이야預錄心得:不得不愛丙熙偶吧,跟他揮手他一定會回揮ㅠㅠ 看到台灣牌嘴巴笑得開開的好可愛ㅠㅠ 反而是昇昊偶吧反應是點頭+冷笑是怎樣ww 唉呦今天離他們距離只有兩公尺我快哭死了(;- ;) 尤其是站center的丙熙 還有擦地板動作時的隊長 近到我差點沒瘋掉ㅠㅠ

Waiting for the afternoon's broadcast.. "This is War" prerecording experience: I can't help but to love Byunghee Oppa, when you wave to him, he definitely waves back ㅠㅠ It was so cute when he saw the Taiwan sign and smiled happily ㅠㅠ Instead Seungho Oppa's reaction was nodding and smiling coldly ww Aiyo, today I was about to die, being only 2 meters away from them (;- ;) especially from Byunghee who stands in the center, and leader when he did his floor move. So close that I almost went crazy ㅠㅠ

Original Fanaccount by
Translation by

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