Thursday, January 19, 2012

[FANACC] 120118 Detailed Fan Account of Yoochun In Beverly Hills‏

This incident was RT a lot in weibo and I didn’t expected this news to be catching everyone’s attention… I was too elated that I lost myself, but didn’t expect that everyone is the same excited. Thus I would like to detail it out.
This is actually my LA trip before my university in New York begin and it was my 2nd day in LA. My friend had wanted to bring me to Beverly Hills to shop and walk around. I felt that all these happened in a fantasy. As I was still wondering if I would meet any artistes in Beverly Hills, silently imagining… (Actually the images in my head were all the western artistes.) Really didn’t expect to have such a coincidental incident after my meal while walking on the streets.
Actually there were numerous who passed by me but as there were not much people plus it is a weekend and thus not much people who are walking around. I was basically sightseeing and chit-chatting with my friend. Just then when I look up, I saw two guys walking towards us and was to pass by us. I automatically switched my attention to a guy in black and was wearing a black hat, then I immediately saw his stubble… then the whole face… then when I saw Park Yoochun, I was not reacting yet, just felt that this guy is so good looking and looked very familiar. Then I switched my focus on the guy next to him, it was a plump uncle carrying shopping bags. The two just passed by me like that. When the split moment when they passed by, my mind was in a blank, then I immediately said to my friend, Yoochun!!!! It’s Yoochun!!!! My friend was shocked and I was even more shocked… I even forgot about running up to him until my friend reminded me and she quickly took out her handphone and ready to take a photo.
I immediately panicked and shouted, “Chamkkanmanyo!” (Wait a moment!) (According to my friend’s narration, Yoochun immediately lowered his head and continued to walk like nothing happened, so is the manager.. the two walked on without turning back.) My friend asked me to chase up and probably it’s chance, it was red light then and they can’t crossed the road. I quickly ran over and towards their back. I actually wanted to talk to the manager first to ask him for permission to take a photo with Yoochun. But manager turned and told me in Korean that no photo taking is allowed. (I guessed it.) Then I continued to ask Yoochun, “Can I take a photo with you?” (T/N: in English) Yoochun replied in English saying no photo taking and sorry about it. Then I can’t give up… no photo-taking is fine but it should be okay with autograph right. So I said, “Can you sign for me?” (T/N: in English) Manager seems to be unwilling but after Yoochun exchanged glances with him, he said okay to me.
Just as I was searching my bag, the green light came on and we trio looked at each other and thought that “let’s talk about this on the other side of the road.” and we crossed the road. My friend caught up with us by then.
Since it’s such a rare opportunity, I have to say something to him and so while crossing the road, I told him, “I have been to your Vancouver concert.” (T/N: in English) He seems to have heard “concert” and when we reached the other side, they turned and waited for me to search my bag. My friend asked, “Can we take a photo?” Manager said no. Then my friend asked, “Sign?” They nodded. (As my friend caught up with us later so she didnt heard the part about no photo-taking.) The waiting time seems a bit long, kekeke, so Yoochun asked my friend, “Where are you from?” (T/N: in English) My friend said, “We are from Vancouver, Canada.” (T/N: in English) As we are immigrants to Vancouver and currently studying in US. They surely do know that we are Asians. My friend said again that we went to the concert in Vancouver, something like that. Nonetheless, Yoochun must have know that we did went to the concert. I was ransacking my bag for a looong while.. and I can’t find any pen or paper, not even a thing to write on. I looked at Yoochun and he seems to know and said, “I don’t have a pen too. (T/N: in English)” Then I felt so…. tragedy-like! I don’t have a pen and to think of asking for a pen from the idol himself for an autograph… My goodness… I was very regretting about it and very unhappy… I didn’t bring a pen with me. My friend then graciously said, “Nice to meet you.” (T/N: in English) Yoochun smiled to her and then they left. Awwwww, in conclusion Yoochun is very nice and approachable, and no diva feel at all.
And one small tidbit, at the beginning when crossing the road, Park Yoochun was not wearing any sunglasses and only wore it after crossing the road. Probably he didn’t expect anyone to recognise him here, kekeke… but he is really nice and I’m very happy to talk to him.
There wasn’t any make up in Yoochun today and there’s still stubble… I’m very happy to see his pure look. Very handsome face and the handsome image as before, very stylish, really like him. Hahahaha… Everyone must have love him in many ways too. Hehehe.
Just to share my coincidental incident with everyone, kekeke, love that everyone was able to feel the atmosphere with him. No pressure at all, I felt as though I met an old friend… Maybe because I have been frequently seeing their photos and videos… I was actually sitting in the 1st row in Vancouver concert and they were dancing in front of me at the stage about 1m high… thus no pressure at all. kekeke
credit: MiSs猫
trans by: rachui@sharingyoochun

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