Wednesday, February 15, 2012

[MAG] MBLAQ in K-Rush Magazine (English translations)


What is the best gift you received from fans?
A. Everything! I always receive a lot of gifts filled with their love, so can't choose one.
Q. What is the best gift you reveived from your family?
A. Phone call. Even though I have little time to talk.
Q. What do you want to send to members?
A. I'd send Mir... maybe a laptop?
Q. What if your only wish came true?
A. I'll be the strongest in the space lol!
Q. What handmade things would you send on White day?
A. Cotton candy made by a machine lol.

Q. What is the best gift you received from fans?
A. Fanchant. Nothing can make me happier than the loud cheer does.
Q. What is the best gift you received from your family?
A. Birthday wishes... even though we live apart, it makes me happy.
Q. What do you want to send to members?
A. I want to give Mir clothing!
Q. What if your only wish came true?
A. I wish all the people I know to be healthy and live long.
Q. What handmade things would you send on White day?
A. Tasty meal.

Q. What is the best gift you received from fans?
A. The charity donation they made rather than sending gifts to me.
My fans have made subsctiption to people suffering from poverty on my birthday. 
It made me really happy more than gifts to myself.
Q. What is the best gift you received from your family?
A. Pocket money? LOL just kidding!
Q. What do you want to send to members?
A. I want to give Seungho training goods. He seems into it lately.
Q. What if your only wish came true?
A. Wishing everyone's happiness.
Q. What handmade things would you send on White day?
A. Candies!

Q. What is the best gift you received from fans?
A. Fan letters. Reading letters written neatly makes me feel happy.
Q. What is the best gift you received from your family?
A. Breakfast made my mom.
Q. What do you want to send to members?
A. I want to give every member hotpacks. Korea is too cold.
Q. What if your only wish came true?
A. I want a cute and lovely girlfriend lol.
Q. What handmade things would you send on White day?
A. The letter full of my heart.

Q. What is the best gift you received from fans?
A. Clothes. When you send someone clothes, you will think of the person a lot, right?
"What color look good on him?" or "What kind of design does he like". So I think fans think of me 
when they choose clothes for me!
Q. What is the best gift you received from your family?
A. Pocket money! LOL
Q. What do you want to send to members?
A. To Seungho-hyung who is on diet...broccoli? LOL
Q. What if your only wish came true?
A. I want to be the richest man in the world!! LOL
Q. What handmade things would you send on White day?
A. Lunch box decolated like face.

Mir x G.O
Who is more popular?
G.O: Mir is kind and warm. No matter what he's always smiling, making him popular amongst girls. Don't you think he's very approachable?
Mir: G.O's eyes are very powerful! While tough, they have a bit of warmth. I think this must be well-liked by girls!

Mir x Joon
Is his style good? Not good?
Joon: I think Mir's style is pretty good. I just wear whatever I have... So I like the sponsors who provide clothes for me the most. (laughs)
Mir: Though I don't pay much attention to his clothing choices, but recently there's many problems of matching colors. Work hard to become more fashionable!

Mir x Seungho
Each other's outstanding quality
Seungho: Mir's good quality is really still his puppy-like face!
Mir: Same! Seungho hyung is too!
Seungho: Are there no other qualities!?
Mir: (laughs) You've also said I'm the mood maker.
Seungho: You were happy to hear this! (shy)

Mir x Members
Mir who was regrettable absent in Vol. 1. Joon giggled while seeing the lonely Mir in the corner of the cover. So!! This week we've made a special feature of Mir!

Mir x Cheondung
The suffering of the two maknaes
Cheondung: Technically speaking, I am not the youngest, so I'm very thankful that Mir's younger than me!
Mir: Actually, in both the group and at home, I'm always the youngest so I'm used to it now. Members care for me at times and also attack me at times, but all these combined is the fun of being youngest!

Happy? Sad? All kinds of Valentine Days
G.O: Valentine's day is coming. Do you have any memorable present?
Seungho: I've never received one...
Mir: You're joking, right?
Seungho: Actually, I don't like chocolate that much.
G.O: You've never received chocolates at school?
Seungho: Ah, I only received courtesy chocolete(giveaway for friends). But she wasn't into me anyway.
What about your memories of Valentine's day?
G.O: I have rather bitter memories than happy ones. A girl gave me a pack of chocolate but later I found out it wasn't meant for me. It was pretty shocking
Cheondung: I only knew about Valentine's Day after I grew up.
Mir: Eh? Did you not know before?
Cheondung: Though in the Philippines, there's also the tradition of giving chocolates, but I was always home alone more than at school... Lonely me, ain't I cool?
Mir: ...Huh? (laughs)

-Suddenly they got excited with reading through the last edition!
By pointing Mir's silver hair picture from MIM, they said "Mir's grandmother is here!", "what about the topic like this: 
Mir's grandmother debut as MBLAQ?" so the interview was interrupted lol.
Mir: Hey...please listen to my story! Long time ago, a girl gave me handmade chocolate. I was happy
because it was really huge. Something handmade is nice
Joon: I love whiskey Ballantine's aged 17 years! 21 and 30 years are good, too.
I like whiskey better than chocolate! No, I'm just kidding. I have weak teeth so the dentist told me better not to eat chocolate. After knowing that, a girl gave me candies instead.
Seungho: Well, then what would be nice if we give presents to fans?
Joon: How about handwritten letters?
G.O: I want to write and sing songs for fans.
Cheondung: I'd eat a meal with them.
Mir: There may not be enough seats.
Seungho: Wouldn't be fun if we spend a whole day with a fan who were chosen by lottery?
Mir: Travelling will be nice! And also surprise event.
Seungho: I've rarely prepared any surprises.
Cheondung: I love surprise event. But to keep my mysterious image, I shouldn't do that!
Members: ......
Cheondung: You see, I'm that kind of guy!
G.O: (ignores.) I tend to be taken as I like surprise event, but actually not really. I'm more practical. I observe and search on what the girl likes and give something useful.
Members: Ah ah-!!
G.O: Hahahaha!
Mir: I like surprises a lot~ But I like to make surprises, I don't like to be surprised. The important thing is how to make it to touch the person you like.

--At this time, the members desperately starting making ugly faces. (laughs) I took the opportunity to ask who does the best ugly face......

Mir: You know, it helps to loosen the muscles!

Joon: I didn't make a face.
Cheondung: Liar!
If you give me something, I'll do it! Anyways, listen to my surprise plan too!

I want to do something people would never think of!
By the way, do you celebrate other anniversaries too? We also Black day in Korea.
That's the marketing strategy of jajangmyeon shops! I never join there(confident).

I only celebrate Valentine's and White day
Seungho: It's already sad enough not receiving any chocolates, so if we celebrate that day,
it makes more pitiful.
Joon: In Korea, we have too many anniversaries and events. So if we celebrate other than Valentine and White day,
it goes on forever.

-I told that we don't even celebrate 100th day of dating...
Seungho: Wow, you don't? That's surprising. But I think simple like Japan is better. 
Otherwise we get confused of too many memorial day in Korea.
Cheondung: Even though I think it's nonesense to celebrate everything, I want to be romantic  as a man if my girl wants to do so!
Seungho: Shall we think about the memorial day to spend with fans now?
Cheondung: Let's raise a cow together! This is a popular gag in Korea nowadays. The line from gag concert which was said by Park Young Jin(Korean comedian) lol.
Mir: I want to celebrate the anniversary of our fanclub together.
Cheondung: Let's bring someone on to the stage and celebrate together.
All: Yes! That would be nice!

-At last, please tell us this year's will or goal.
Seungho: We will release 4th mini album in Korea. The schedule after that is not fixed yet,
but we hope to see you in Japan soon. 2012 is the year of dragon. As we have a member born in dragon year,
we will work hard till hear people say "2012 is the year of MBLAQ"!

Source: K-Rush Magazine
Translations: yuka1226 @ AbsoluteMBLAQ

Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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