Friday, January 20, 2012

Thank you message ♥♥♥

Admin Angela's message(:

Hi CassioepiA+s! ^^

Yeah, Cassiopeians & A+ㅋㅋ This is what I use to call when I'm addressing people from both fandoms~

Unknowingly, it's been one month since the start of DongBang-BLAQ. It feels like I've just started it not too long ago. No doubt I feel stressed at times trying to rush posting articles and updates here, I do enjoy it as I feel that I could let all of you be updated.
I like it when people appreciates our hardwork and says that they like this site for any reasons they have. It serves as an encouragement to me.
I feel really glad to see the followers on the Twitter increase, or view counts at this blog increase. It shows that people notice us, right? (:

Thank you for your love and supports for the past one month. It's really important for us (:
And thank you Admin Jasmi for helping me with the updates as well! ^_^

Please continue to show us your support and spread the love ^^

With love, Angela♥~

Co-admin Jasmi's message(:

안녕 to my fellow CassiopeiA+s! (:

Time flies so fast in a blink of an eye~ Its been a month since we've opened and started updating this fanbase blog for both TVXQ & MBLAQ fans. ^^ I would like to take this chance to thank our followers for this fanbase, as well as our Twitter fan page. I'm really glad that more and more people are starting to take notice of this fanbase blog and giving us your most utmost support ever. <3

I'm new when it comes to running a fanbase, so if there is anything that you think I should take note of, please do drop a message at our Spazz Box and I'll be sure to read it. I would like to thank Angela for letting me to join her in running this site, and we hope to give you more new updates on our Dong Bang & MBLAQ boys. (:

Please do check back to our blog often! I appreciate it and your encouragement serves as an important aspect to motivate us better to giving you the best. :D

With love, Jasmi♥~


  1. Hello girls~ ^^

    Happy 1st Month-sary~

    First of all, thank you Angela for opening this site. I've been wanting people like us (CassiopeiA+) to have a place where we can get updates from both group at the same time

    You guys have been very active updating! It's really hard to update with 2 groups, but you girls did an excellent job T^T

    I really love the idea of daily summary =D From now, I'll update here frequently and will comment the entries I read =D

    I'll continue to be this site's greatest support! (And continue to search for new friends ^^)

    Please continue to spread the love for 10 men~
    ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


    Many many love,
    Zaheera (Eera)

  2. Thank you very much! ^^
    Like I've told you, you've really been the greatest supporters I know around me. Thank you very much again (:
