Tuesday, January 10, 2012

[TRANS] 120106 Tohoshinki “Breaking Their Limits” – Exclusive Interview With Nikkan Sports

Tohoshinki, who restarted activities with 2 members in January last year after going on a hiatus in 2010. Yunho (25) and Changmin (23) seemed to erase the blank period of approximately one year where there were no activities, by having a full line-up of promotional activities (this year). They will then be starting off 2012 with their largest-scale nation-wide tour thus far, which is expected to mobilise about 450,000 people. Their first performance in Tokyo Dome since July 2009 has also been confirmed. The duo told Nikkan Sports about their goals and determination for this year.

Last year, Tohoshinki made their return into the Japanses music scene. Their 1st single upon restarting activities, “Why? (Keep Your Head Down)”, achieved 1st place on the Oricon charts. At the end of the year, they were awarded the Excellence Award at the Japan Record Awards, and also attended NHK’s Kouhaku Utagassen, 2 years after their last appearance.

Changmin: Since restarting activities, looking at the Oricon charts, as well as being able to attend music programmes at the end of the year that are watched by many people in Japan has allowed us to feel the unchanging love (from Japan) more concretely. That makes me happy.

The album “TONE”, released in September, has reached 400,000 copies in sales. For an original production, it has set a new record. There was really much anticipation from the fans who had been waiting for a year.

Yunho: I was shocked. But I think to me, rather than the results, the critiques are more important. We really prepared very hard for it, so it’d be nice if there was good feedback. Of course there are areas that are lacking, but I think it’s good because that means we have areas we can grow in.

In January 2011, Tohoshinki restarted activities with their management company’s event, “SMTOWN LIVE”. The duo who were tense, received cheers from the audience that were louder than ever.

Yunho: We felt some pressure when restarting activities in Japan. But we gained strength from the love we received, that was much more than we expected. That time gave me much courage, which I think allowed me to press on and reach where I am today.

The final stage for the tour will be at the Kyocera Dome, and performances at the Tokyo Dome have been decided as well, and Yunho says it will be “different from other stages”, 2 years since their last performance there.

Yunho: When we stood (on the Tokyo Dome stage) during SM Town (in September), we were very emotional. Because it’s a place of our memories, we’re very happy that Tohoshinki is able to stand (on that stage) and have our own concert, and we hope that it’ll be a turning point for us, where we can surpass our limits.

Closer to realising their dreams of a 5-dome tour. (T/N: The 5 major domes in Japan; Tokyo Dome, Kyocera Dome Osaka, Nagoya Dome, Fukuoka Dome and Sapporo Dome)
Changmin: We want to let everyone hear better songs and better performances, the feelings we want to send across have not changed since our debut. We want to continue showcasing a Tohoshinki who have matured. We want to surpass our limits one by one, we want to become that type of artists.

Yunho: (He’s) good (laughs). Next year is our 10th anniversary since debut. We want to continue not only in singing, but also in various activities such as acting. Since this is the year of the dragon, everyone, let’s strive forward and soar like the dragon together with Tohoshinki!

Tohoshinki: The group name means “gods rising in the east”, and was coined to carry the meaning of them spreading this name throughout Asia and the world. They made their debut in Korea in February 2004 and became top stars instantly. They then made their debut in Japan in April 2005. They experienced explosive popularity in 2008, attaining their first number 1 ranking on the Oricon charts with “Purple Line”. 4 singles they released in that same year set a record by consecutively coming in 1st on the Oricon charts, and they made their first appearance on NHK’s Kouhaku Utagassen. Their activities were put on hold in 2010, and the duo, Yunho and Changmin, restarted activities in January 2011 as Tohoshinki.

Changmin: Born 18 Feb 1988. 186cm, 61kg. Blood type B.
Yunho: Born 6 Feb 1986. 184cm, 66kg. Blood type A.

Source : [Nikkan Sports]

Translated & Shared by : dongbangdata.net

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