Sunday, January 15, 2012

[TRANS] 120115 A fan tweets about JYJ’s Lotte Fan Meeting

“Itsudatte aitakattayo” the melody that the 3 members sang to us, I won’t forget it all my life. Thank you for being alive. I love you.

The 3 members read a letter to us. “We are walking in a dark tunnel, and maybe we are still in the tunnel, but you are the ones who are shining the light on the road.” These are not really the correct words, but I hope I can convey their message to all of you.

Jaejoong’s hug was so erotic, I heard shouts from a seat in the back “gya~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jaejoong~~~~~NO!!!!!” Afterwards, we were all absentminded.

“We were worrying that you would go to new artists’ concerts and forget about us.” Are you kidding? Come here. We will show you all of our hearts. Until you get tired.

This year’s goal, Yoochun “Be No 1 on the Japanese Oricon chart”.

Jaejoong “We are always saying that we want to go to Japan, but you are the ones who are always coming here to us. We are really sorry…but we could only say like this.” Jaejoong, it is OK, we will go anywhere. So please don’t talk like that…

JJ “OK! We can still sing, dance, and use…” YC “What do you mean by ‘use’? xDD ” Audience “Kya~~!” JJ “So..oh no, not that meaning..oh…XDDD” YC “What? What will you use? (grinning)”
During “Protect you”, Jaejoong made a mistake and sang the first verse of the song during the second verse xDD

Jun-chan mostly failed talking in Japanese, but he suddenly said the difficult word “hairyo (T/N: consideration)” and the audience was an uproar “OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” xDD

JS “Long time no see. (looking around to all the fans) I think I recognize many of the faces.” JJ “Really? Do you know all the faces?” JS “..well..” Audience “XDDDD” JJ “How many faces?” JS “…ummm..about 12 people..”

The present time. Yoochun’s was a jacket he used during the filming. Jaejoong’s was the different color bracelet with the one he was wearing + the bracelet he was wearing (Jaejoong said he hasn’t worn the present bracelet, and there were booing from the fans xD) Jun-chan’s was a sweater he used at the filming.

Looking at the white sweater, Yoochun said “I want that!” JS “This? Should we exchange? I also want the jacket…” YC “YES!” OH xDDD YooSu moments!

The MC announced that Juno was ranked 3rd (?) place in the Oricon chart. JJ “OH! I didn’t know (so cute)” YC “Junsu, did you know that?” JS “Y…Yes…” YC “Why didn’t you tell us?” JS “Because its been a while since we met together..” JJ “It isn’t a while. Yesterday? The day before yesterday?” JS “…..”

An episode from the Europe tour. JJ “Junsu saw Picasso’s sketch and said ‘I drew these kinds when I was in the 6th grade in elementary school’.. xD” Junsu “Oh, you don’t understand art” Junsu>Picasso theory

JJ “In order to be active in Japan.. the wall is too big. It is really big… we don’t know… how long it will take…” We’ll wait for you. Forever.

JS “One day we want to hold a dome concert in Japan..” JaeChun “Oh, dome is impossible…”

JJ “I don’t look old! But I’m getting older!!”

Jaejoong’s first costume→a jacket with fur, white T shirt. Yoochun→sorry, can’t remember Junsu→can’t remember YooSu, sorry!!! xD

The fan meeting started with “Get Out”. After the performance, JJ was requested (from the MC) for the first greetings, and he said “..before that, water please.”, but the water didn’t come. JJ “It seems that I have to continue speaking..” hwaiting, JJ!

I think it was during Junsu’s greetings, Jaejoong took off his jacket and was wearing just the T shirt. Jaejoong’s hair style was the same as it was in Shanghai in Dec. It seemed like his arms were more muscular.

I cannot saying it in right words, but when Jaejoong was shy or lost in words, he was laughing like “…ihitsu” “..fu..”, do you understand? He was continuously making those sounds today!!!

Jun-chan couldn’t express his feelings in words. He was asking JJ hyung for advice. So cute. Everytime Jun-chan was a loss for words, JaeChun looked at him like “good grief”. Love them.

Even though he was sitting with his legs crossed, when the MC said “It is all because of the fans.” or that kind of talk, Jaejoong will sit straight and bow deeply. I love him for these characters.

JS “I feel that I’m still a high school student^^”

THE HUG. YC→hug, then lightly lifted her up. JJ →suddenly hug her from the back JS→a tight hug , with his hands on her head (i really envy her)

MC “How about you, Junsu-san?” JS “…mostly the same as Yoochun said right now~..” Junsu was relying on Yoochun’s words more than 2 times today.

After the hug, JJ “OH!! I was very nervous!”

We celebrated Junsu and Jaejoong’s birthday! Yoochun had prepared a big cake, and the two blew out the candles. Jaejoong took some of the cream in his fingers and licked it (this is the most important part!)

YC “Jaejoong is exchanging emails with his Japanese friends, but we …” JJ “…it’s different from mails..” Don’t look for excuses, JJ xDDD

YC “~~right? Wasurenaidene (T/N: please do not forget)” JS “Wasurenaide~♪”

The photos with the fans. The fans should be the heroine, but Jaejoong himself was trying to be photographed cool & cute & handsome. HERO!

Get Out → Talk → Present time → Watch PV & making videos → The letter → Jaejonng “Protect You” → Junsu “You’re so beautiful” → Yoohcun “The empty place for you” → In heaven? (unclear) → Talk → Hug … I think the order was like this, probably

MC “Junsu-san made a school (omitted), Jaejoong-san contributed to his old school (omitted)” Applause. MC “..Y..Yoochun-san, next time, through your company..” Yoochun was waving his hands like That’s not true.” JS “Oh, Yoochun is contributing to us. UHAHAHA” YooSu moments(´;ω;`)

Source: mii_mii_yjsk @ twitter
Trans: smiley @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

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