Sunday, January 15, 2012

[TRANS] 120115 Jaejoong’s responses to The 5th annual Hero Festival questionaire

1. What exercise do you do?
I have not exercised recently.

2. What is your weight now?
Probably 63 kg.

3. What time do you sleep?
It is different everyday.

4. What is the name of the book you have recently read?
You should know. Why?

5. Has your English Language improved recently?
I can do more than self-introduction.

6. How many songs have you composed in December?
5 songs.

7. How is your study on acting coming along?
I have yet to study.

8. What kind of role do you want to play?
A vampire.

9. What do you think about Saguk (i.e. Korean historical drama)?
I don’t know much.

10. Tree vs snowy field?
I like both.

11. What is your ringtone now?

12. Which song are you listening to recently?
Beyonce’s songs

13. What is your charm?
Ah… This is difficult.

14. Boots vs chains?
I love them.

15. What is Twitter’s strength?
Freedom of expression. Passageway to an uproar.

16. How is Hero Festival?
Haven’t seen it yet. By the way, thank you.

17. What is your New Year’s goal?
Let’s live well together.

18. Do you love us?
I love all of you very much.

Credits: BaiduHERO 123 & 4, @DaraChoco
Translation by: Lalyfanyx
Shared by: DBSKnights, JYJ3

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