Saturday, January 21, 2012

[TRANS] 120121 JYJ Junsu, Two Cats? ‘Smiling Widely With A Large Stuffed Toy In His Arms’

JYJ’s Kim Junsu revealed a cute selca of himself holding a stuffed toy cat.

On the afternoon of the 20th, Jaejoong posted “Our Junjju (Junsu)” along with a photo.

In the photo, Junsu is hugging a stuffed toy cat head as large as his own body, with his head slightly tilted, and reporting his recent condition with a cute smile.

Seeing the photos, netizens commented, “Who is the cat? (He) really resembles the stuffed toy”, “Cute. Black cat, white cat.”, “What (is he) doing with Jaejoong oppa? I’m curious.”, among other responses.

On another note, the musical “Elisabeth”, which Junsu is participating in, is scheduled to open on 8 Feb.

Source: [BaiduTVXQ + TV Report via Nate]
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