Thursday, January 26, 2012

[TRANS] 120125 Bigeast (Staff Report) : Nagoya ・ Nippon Gaishi Hall First Day

Starting from today, there will be three days of lives at the Nagoya ・ Nippon Gaishi Hall!

The happenings of the first day. As the rehearsals ended without incident, suddenly the Happy Birthday tune sounded, and a congratulatory message for the staff born in January the monitors at the back of the stage. A cake was brought out as well, and after the candles were put out, Yunho and Changmin ran forward with cake in their hands and went to one staff member…. The staff that they flung the cake at was covered in fresh cream. (Laughs)

Also, at the waiting rooms, while there has always been delicious hot food being catered, today, the staff prepared Hitsumabushi which the members love, for them!

The photo below is of Changmin’s Hitsumabushi before he ate it.

Source: [Bigeast Official Site]
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