Saturday, January 28, 2012

[TRANS] C-JeS States, “Booked For Violating The Ships Safety Act? It Was Only A Referential Questioning”

It has been found that JYJ’s Park Yoochun was questioned as a reference with regards to a violation against the Ships Safety Act.

Through a phone conversation with Issue Daily on the 26th of January, a representative of Park Yoochun’s agency explained, “The commissioned business that was put in charge of Park Yoochun’s yacht is currently being investigated because they irresponsibly did not fulfill their contract and thus missed the deadline for their safety management inspection,” and “Park Yoochun was only questioned as a reference as he is the owner of the yacht and he has no direct association with the current issue at hand.

A representative of the Korean Coast Guards’ South Regional Headquarters also stated, “An article was released with information that even we didn’t know. We will be sure to make an inquiry to YTN to find out what channel this article was released through.”

Today, YTN made a false report that Park Yoochun was booked by the Korean Coast Guard’s South Regional Headquarters for violating the Ships Safety Act by not holding a safety management inspection for his yacht.

Source: Herald Biz

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