Monday, January 16, 2012

[TRANS] Jaejoong’s Interview from 2012 Hero Festival

1. Your future’s dream?

I’m looking for new challenge as director, as actor and as singer.

What is a dream?… For now, there are so many things in front of me that I have to go through.. I don’t have an exact/fixed dream

But… in the long run, I want to make a “good family”.

2. What you care about as a CEO?

The “taste”, of course.

Fortunately, all said that it was delicious. Thank you.

Yoochun-ie is also co-CEO but he doesn’t come there *Jaejoong cutely complained*

When Yoochun want to drink, he goes to other bar.

It’s inconvenient to come and eat as CEO LOL

I don’t really care if my business goes well or not LOL

If it doesn’t go well.. well… I’ll said “Everybody, please come a lot” with aegyo (T/N: in a cute, charming way)

3. Kim Jaejoong, although you are humble and forthright for an idol, on the one hand, you are somewhat sly/cheesy.

Why so? Is that because you think that fans are not really young anymore?

* With unique and chic accent, he smiled firmly*

You are not young anymore… You know that right?

*Everybody laughed cheerfully*

4. Thing that made you happy the most in 2011?

It’s that we could have concerts, of course,

That we could meet our fans all over the world

Challenging in acting, challenging in directing,

And that our members received many awards.

There were many things in 2011 that I want to take step again (T/N: I think he means “want to begin again/take challenge again”)… many things that I can call a “leap”.

I sincerely thank our fans.

2011 was the best!! *he said with a happy smile*

I must work harder this year too.

Source: JYJ Telzone Daum 1, 2, 3, 4
Translation by: The_little_Pear of JYJ3 + @_chaconne_
Shared by: JYJ3
Please do not add to, alter, or remove the credits.

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