Saturday, January 21, 2012

[TRANS] JaeTime's message

This may come as a really sudden news for everyone.
We're not able to accept the fact in such awhile too.
But, it's a decision made after much considerations.
JaeTime will be closing down on 21st Jan 2012.

Everyone might be thinking, JT has been functioning well all these while. Why do we have to shut it down?
To put it simply, it's beyond our capability.
KIM and I have been in Korea since 2007.
From a site which is managed by myself, till starting JT;
Be it for Jaejoong or for JaeTime, we have gave our very best effort to do things which are within our means, and also things which are not within our means.
It's even to the extend whereby we extend our stay in Korea.
Now, there's no way we can continue staying here anymore.

In the 5 years of staying in Korea, we've almost given up everything just to focuson supporting Jaejoong and from now onwards, we need to make plans for ourselves and for our working life.
Maybe we will not be able to go for the schedules when there is any
Maybe us who's slightly well-known for selcas among various forums might not be able to share any more selcas with anyone anymore.
Maybe when help is needed but there is not enough manpower to keep it going
Maybe.... in the future that can be forseen, there will be many of such 'maybe(s)'.

It's not easy starting up a forum.
The responsibilities we had to bear and the expectations from everyone in this period of time, especially making it into a good site...
Making sure that we have enough staffs/ helpers when there are events,
Making sure that we're able to show the pictrues to eveyone ASAP after an event has ended...
We are not superman, but we try our best to make sure that we can do everything.
We bore the expecations from everyone and we gave our best when doing things.
The amount of effort we've put in up till today is beyond everyone's imagination.

JT gradually becomes a down-and-out forum, a forum which cannot do anything, and then becomes a topic that everyone's talking about - It's definitely not something that we can just sit back and watch about.
As compared to completing tasks which are within our means (and not doing it well), why not just have a perfect ending?
This is partly because of our selfish motives as we have gave a huge effort for the forum.
Still remember JT's green balloon and heart-shaped lightstick at Jaejoong's fanmeet in Shanghai? It's a gift from us to Jaejoong.
We hope that it can create beautiful memories for everyone.

We are really thankful for everyone who are supportive of Jaetime for the past 2 years.
If there is anything that we have not done well in these 2 years, we sincerely apologise for it because we have already tried our best. 
We are really thankful for everyone who chose to join this small family, JY and share about Jaejoong with us, and also the happenings in your lives.
Please forgive us for not being able to be with Jaejoong anymore. We just change the way we love him. We will still be supporting him.

Although JaeTime is coming to an end, Jaejoong will still be standing on the stage whcih belongs to him and peform a JaeTime which belongs to him.
We sincerely give our blessings to everyone, and to Jaejoong.

Yours sincerely,
Yan Huo, Kim & staffs from JaeTime.
2012. 01. 21

Image via jejebei_1226 @ Twitter
Translated and shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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