Thursday, January 12, 2012

[TRANS] JYJ Kim Jaejoong Revealed Bread Packaging Full Of Sense, Attracting Discussions‏

Through his own Twitter, Kim Jaejoong posted a photo of the bread packaging on the 12th with the short message, “It is as though I made the bread myself.”

In the photo, the bread packaging was printed with its expiry date as 17th January 2012, but the eye-captivating information was the name Kim Jaejoong on it.

Netizens who encountered this photo responded with, “I laughed out loud after seeing the photo”, “When did he work at the bread factory?”, “Is he moonlighting?”, “I felt that the bread taste even better now”, “I am going to look for this bread packaging now” etc.

Additionally, Kim Jaejoong has previously created another topic discussion during his posting of a photo and the message, “In the midst of Star Wars.”

source: tvreport
credit: joongyi
trans by: rachui@sharingyoochun

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