Tuesday, January 17, 2012

[TWITTER] Leo's Twitter Updates (17th Jan 2012)

12:10 KST
레오는엠블랙아빠들중~천둥아빠가제일 좋다내요~ 다음으론승호아빠구요~^^ 이준 아빠는혼내는 아빠라고대답을~ㅋㄷ
[Trans] Leo said that he favours Cheondung appa the most and then Seungho appa. Then he replied saying that Lee Joon appa is the one who disciplines him.
17:04 KST
레오가 뽑은 좋은 엠블랙아빠순위는~ 레오랑 많이놀아주고~ 곁에있어주신순서일꺼예요~^^ 시간이지나 익숙해지면 어떻게될지는~~모른답니다~^^
[Trans] Leo chooses his favorite appa by how much the appa plays and stays with him. We don't know what will happen once he is used to all of the MBLAQ appas...

17:15 KST
Leo: @awake071 조금씩 알아가는거같아요~^^ 아직은 tv에 나오는 아빠중 빨리 아는 아빠는 천둥아빠내요~^^천둥아빠바라기 레오~^^
[Trans] I think he is slowly starting to recognise appas on tv. For now, he can only recognise Cheondung appa out of the MBLAQ appas on tv. Leo likes Cheondung appa.

@awake071 asked if Leo cold recognise his appas on TV.

SOURCE: Leo's Twitter

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