Monday, January 23, 2012

[TWITTER] Mir's Twitter Update

23rd Jan 2012, 23:18 KST
설날에장성에도못가서우울해있는데친구들이제생각해서서울까지올라왔어요~!!오랜만에친구들과모여서학교생활얘기하면서술한잔하고있으니깐힘들었던게싹없어지네요~+_+!! 우리에이플러스분들도새해복많이받고있죠~?
[Trans] I was feeling down because couldn't go back to Jangsung (Mir's home town) for Korean New Year but my friend came to Seoul to see me~!! My troubles seemed to have disappeared after I had drinks with my friend and talk about stuff from back in our school days~+_+!! Are A+s also having joyful New Year~?

Trans via bcrystal89 @ Twitter

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