Tuesday, January 24, 2012

[TWITTER] Mir's Twitter Updates + G.O's reply (24th Jan 2012)

13:30 KST
어제는새벽까지친구들이랑수다수다열매먹고미친듯이수다떨고지금은가족들데리고인천외할머니댁가요~여러분들은설날에도저희때문에열심히신경쓰고계시는데저만너무놀러다니는것같아서죄송하네요 ㅠㅠ 수고하십니다 ㅠ 마지막연휴까지감기조심하시고건강꼭챙기십시오!!
[Trans] Yesterday I stayed up until dawn chatting with my friends. We ate grapes and chatted crazily, and right now I’m taking my family to my grandma’s house in Incheon~ It seems like everyone is busily working on New Years and I’m just going around and playing, I’m sorry T_T You guys are working hard T_T Please be careful of colds until the last of the holidays and take care of your health!!

21:51 KST
[Trans] I was feeling tired and had a slight fever so I wanted to have a hot coco and go to bed so I went out to Tom&Tom;(a coffee shop in Korea).. I said "One Hot coco please" and the cashier said "would you like your hot coco to be hot or cold?" so I was like "0_0.....?" and the cashier was like "I'm joking Mir..^^".. And while I was waiting for my hot coco 'This is war' was on.. what a cashier with a god sense.. 

23:05 KST
@bangmir 창피해서 그런거같은데..
[Trans] I think she did it because she was shy..

Trans via Lilylovesjoon @ Twitter

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