Saturday, January 21, 2012

[TWITTER] Mir's Twitter Updates (21st Jan 2012)

12:13 KST
배고파서쓰러지기직전에온희정누나의풍요로운양식!!오자마자허겁지겁먹느라사진도못찍었네요 ㅠㅠ 잘먹겠습니다!!
[Trans] I was about to die of starvation when Heejung nuna(fan site staff) brought a feast!! I ate it so quickly, I didn't even have a time to take a photoㅠㅠ Thank you!!

12:36 KST
[Trans] My face is so hansome that it emits light resulting to the camera unable to recognize where my face is

Trans via bcrystal89 @ Twitter
Shared by DongBang-BLAQ

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