Friday, January 20, 2012

[TWITTER] Mir's Twitter Updates

19th Jan 2012, 20:27 KST

"[Info] Mir got that picture from bestiz. KA+ elaboration on the picture: bear=A+; boy=MBLAQ; demon=Korean music chart shows which is bogus. (via )"

23:45 KST
He is tweeting in codes w/o vowels; it's too long to crack

20th Jan 2012, 00:07 KST

제가소심하게자음문자로저런소리를하겠습니까..-_-..? 전대놓고합니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그건그렇고헬로우베이비본방사수해주세요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[Trans] Do do you think I'm that timid to say such things in codes..-_-..? I'm more of a say it in the open type lol that's that, now please watch hello baby lol

01:08 KST

[Trans] Hello Baby is fun~fun~lol

08:08 KST
Trans via bcrsytal89 @ twitter

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