Thursday, January 26, 2012

[TWITTER] Seungho's Twitter Updates (26th Jan 2012)

10:41 KST
굿모닝^^구르기가 좋을지..이단옆차기가좋울지....
[Trans] Good morning^^ Should I roll.. Or do side kicking....

19:48 KST
오늘정신이없어서 말못한 세상에서제일사랑하는 성탁이형 DQ형님들 제이튠캠프식구들 내친구들 하늘에계신 울할아버지 마지막A+사랑함돠 ㅎ
[Trans] I wasn't able to say this today due to feeling chaotic. Sungtakie hyung whom I love the most in the world , DQ hyungnims, J.Tune Camp family members, my friends, my grandpa who is in the heaven, and lastly, I love you, A+ he

Trans via bcrystal89 & MBLAQAttack @ twitter

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