Saturday, February 4, 2012

[TWITTER] G.O's Twitter Updates (04th Feb 2012)

09:50 KST
마음쓰였던건 저희보다 회사식구들.. 스탭분들, 팬 여러분들 입니다.. 그 마음이 다치지않았길 바래요..! 무지 사랑하고 감사합니다❤
[Trans] Our company staff who were more concerned than we were... and our representatives, and our fans..l We hope those hearts won't be hurt...! I love you and thank you so much!

17:37 KST
오늘 사전녹화 때와 본방 때 여신님들 응원소리가 초울트라캡숑짱이었어요ㅋㅋ 고마워요❤
[Trans] Today our godesses' cheering was explosive during the pre-recording and recording ke ke thank you!

22:09 KST
블락비 동생들의 '난리나' 진짜 좋다~! 이런 실력파들같으니라고!!!
[Trans] Block B Dongsengs' song, 'Nanrina' is really good~! They are all so talented!

Source: G.O's Twitter
Translated by Lilylovesjoon & LiRange123 @ twitter
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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