Tuesday, February 21, 2012

[FAN ACC] 120219 2nd Season Fan Meeting

The day before a fan meeting, I met up with 2 Indonesian A+s to hang out (since I def had a feeling that I might not even see them in fan meeting to talk) and we spazzed about MBLAQ...which probably led to not having a wink of sleep xD

During a subway ride with 1 K A+ to go to Yonsei Uni, we had fun talking about our anticipations, MBLAQ etc. that 1 hour of a subway ride went very fast for us...

We got official fan supplies (which were printed hands of all boys, card with boys' signatures, balloon, and official fanclub card which I think it is very cute)

Seeing boys' signatures...took me away the sadness of not being picked for the fan signing events that I applied for...:D

3 K A+s and I ate very early dinner and spend some time in cafe chatting before we entered the auditorium...

I didn't see any K A+s that I know while sitting around....T_T


This is War->Cry->Scribble->You're my +->Y (encore song)->Oh Yeah (encore song)

*The order can be wrong for Cry and Scribble...did I left any song(s) out btw?

All choreographies were good....but Cry one was EPICCCCCCCCCCC (eyes at J.Tune Camp)

I ended up semi-dancing in Y...LOL

I didn't scream in MIM...I did a lot for this one...probably because I was able to see boys without having to rely on the screen..

MBLAQ's dancing skills are fabulous....ABSOLUTELY fabulous overall...if antis tackle on this category, I'll send a Seungho-like glare to them...

Games with A+s

The member who got most wrong in O, X game was Lee Joon....xDDD Poor boy.....

G.O was like rawring to fans cuz he got wrong xD omg...I thought that Joon was the best in $%645^$%3$@!@(=when making excuses) but G.O was worse LOL

First one...all fans who were picked were front for the very first game

It was mostly parodying famous Korean dramas like Secret Garden and...Haepoomdal (don't know official Eng name of this drama xD Han Gain and Kim Soohyun

features on it)

10 fans were randomly picked...Only 1 person from my line got picked and mostly it was from the 'Da (=equivalent to C in English alphabetical order)' line

When they were asked about biases, it was mostly focused toward Joon and Seungho while Thunder got 0...

Made me wanted to get picked so bad so that I can tell A+ public that I like both Seungho and Thunder...but Thunder is my first bias (which is a white lie...

see my nickname LOL)

I just hope that he is not too upset about this...there ARE a lot of fans who love him :3

Seungho did 28 jump ropes...omg.....that boy's 'What I am Good at' only increases -_-...he beats all other boys a lot in jump roping

He said that if Thunder succeeds in 2, it's miracle...I thought that he was kidding...no because Thunder didn't succeed at alll O_O (when his muscle strength

is larger than Joon's....-_-)

One K A+ who got paired up with Mir randomly was taller than him...LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

The J A+ got picked and the interpreter ended up answering the long question one...she cried probably because of language barrier frustration, but everyone

gave big claps for her :D

Seungho gave her a fan service on his own...which made me go 'awwwwwwww' because I guessed that prob he was trying to make her feel ease...

(but giving kiss on a cheek damaged my mentality....lucky her....T_T)

Boys' visuals

I got to see 4 boys' visuals very upclose, esp G.O's during Oh Yeah performance

Joon...no offense, but I was just like 'Okay, okay' (no spazzing T.T)....I don't know why cuz all boys have 'I am celebrity' light visuals and NO MBLAQ boys are definetely belong to 'oridnary look' category...probably it's just me being a chic/cynical fan when it comes to Joon xD (since I never even spazz toward his abs...it's Thunder's abs that I spazz toward to when it comes to abs category...but his smile is the best in my personal opinion along with Doongie's :D I can swear on this)
^ Shouldn have been less surprised since the only time that I spazzed toward his visual like crazy was during the Stay promotion....? hmmm I seriously can never understand why I
didn't spazz toward his visual even when I saw Joon closely....very mysterious...

Mir...I was awed by his look..His eyes mostly stand out...I think that my spazzing toward Thunder's (and G.O's) visuals hindered my spazzing toward other boys' visual spazzings

(but I miss his visual back in...beginning MBLAQ days....T_____T)

G.O....I was very close enough to touch him...but Manager Byungki shoooed so fast...the one of 3 girls who was with me got to touch him...

First thing that came into my mind when Byungki shooed him away 'BUT MY NAILS ARE SHORT!!!!!!!!!UGH!!!!!!!!'

Byungki, Please let me shake his/their hands at least if I get to see boys up close again in the future...T.T (tweeted him that request....xD)

I was very,very amazed at his good looks...to the point that Byungki looked very ordinary standing next to G.O lmao

Seungho....I moved my head more to get better idea about his visual....I was so surprised that my visual rank toward Seungho was farther than Thunder and G.O...

but then distance? can play the factor too...so oh well...but I can say that I spazzed mostly toward him when it comes to visual of the MBLAQ's backs....*___*

Thunder (saved the best? for last)...I was :(despite the fact that he didn't come up to fans a lot...I was wondering 'where the heck are u? I understand that ur personality

is very reserved...but.....sniffs')....very amazed at his looks...omg...his skins are very, very white....his overall body is looooooong....WHAT PLANET ARE YOU FROM DUDE?
I made my determination to have good skin even more because of him....(I'll refuse to stand next to him because my skin will look really horrible compared to his xD)
I have to admit that I ended up staring toward Thunder at the most (though I did give equally a lot of stares to all 5)...
(but I have no plans to change my bias....no...no..)

A+s and MBLAQ Interactions

Mir was crying....awww that puppy boy...made me cry too cuz it brought me back a lot of memories as an A+ (mostly emotional ones)

He's the second member who made me cry for crying (G.O the first...when I heard the news that he cried after winning M Countdown...I cried too)

The third member who made me cry...(Official first one was Doongie for his confession that Just BLAQ Thunder's voice was Sangbae's etc..)

G.O cried too, but he dried his tears quickly with his arm xD (if he denies that fact....-_-)

Seungho cried too

(I guess Thunder is very good in hiding his real emotions? surprised that Joon didn't cried)

The staff who read a letter to MBLAQ cried in the middle.....:(

Thunder's fans (nearby me)

They deserve special category...LMAOOOOOOOOO they screamed a lot like crazy...which changed my overall impressions about Thunder fans (for being very reserved)

They made me giggle a lot inside because they screamed "PARK SANGHYUN!" "I LOVE YOU!"

The epic I love you screams came from them when no 10 girls picked Thunder as their biases

Most hilarious one: "I CAN'T SEE YOU WELL BECAUSE YOUR HEAD IS TOO SMALL"...I had to laugh a lot on this one

(One K A+ <idk where she sat> did told me that she spazzed toward Doongie the least in terms of visual cuz his head was very small...so I guess....LMAOOOO)

^ Seungho's head is small as Thunder's but I guess Thunder's head is smallest xD

Fanmeeting miscellaneous

The beginning featured on how to go to open live music shows to cheer for boys...the subtitles were cute and hilarious...it parodied Human Theater, which is famous for documentary about ordinary ppl's lives (Doongie and Sandara were on it years ago!)

Seungho and Doongie ended up kissing one another during a pocky game because Mir pushed them aside...it was LOLLLLLLLLL

Thunder said that he felt shy xD Cute.....

3 boys except Seungho and Joon waved often to fans <333333333333333333 My hand waving mostly went toward to Thunder xD (also cuz other two boys

didn't really waved toward my side)

I hope that Park Kyung-lim is MC again...she makes everything fun and she handled the language barrier with J A+ situation very welll...one K A+ even tweeted to her

to do MCing for 3rd season fan meeting again!

Thunder tapped a lot with his shoes while performing...(so random that I noticed that fact)...<3

It was much more fun than MIM Concert..and it made me feel even more pride to be A+!!!! 

Via seunghoeyecandy @ mblaqattack.com
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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