Monday, February 20, 2012

[MSG] 120220 Cheondung's Cafe Message

Title : It's Cheondung~

A+ fans, Hello, It's Cheodung~

I realized it at today's fan meeting, that I wrote only 5 messages even though I thought I wrote a lot of posts my own way.. 

Although I guessed it because I don't often do internet, it has been too few..;;

I apologize sincerely to the fans for having waited my message too long! I'm sorry!.........

Nevertheless, you like me continuously, don't you!!!!??? Puhaha!!

Umm,,, Today's fan meeting was so funny in person~ Hoping for your fun also~ 

I'll continue this message!

Today, there were various happenings during short time...including many games and performances..

In addition, pepero event with Seungho-hyung which I want to forget and G.O-hyung's sit-ups... 

But, the most memorable event was the reading a letter, representative of your voice..

Maknae cried...Everybody seemed to be on the same mind

All of members were deeply moved.. Perhaps, this feeling will be irreplaceable..

The feelings wishing to keep forever in the hearts will be caused in life. 

I think your love for us is that kind of feeling..wishing to keep forever in the hearts

I'll do my best not to forget it! Though I'm brusque and don't have the ability of express and aegyo.. 

Please understand me... If a boyfriend is brusque and doesn't have aegyo and the ability of express, his girl friend sometimes does aegyo~

Could you do it? Keuk...Then, after doing hard song woks and practice,

I'll show nice and interesting musics and peformances! Would you!!??? keke 

Then, I understand you agree and I'll be off~ 

And I'll keep my promise.

I don't know how to do it, but the way will come up! Promise!! 

Then, Good night!! BBa BBa (Bye Bye)!!!!!!!!!

Source: MBLAQ's Cafe
Translation: qwert@AbsoluteMBLAQ
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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