Wednesday, February 15, 2012

[NEWS] 120214 MBLAQ's Seungho babo-idol image explained, "Boarding SHINee car..."

'Rain's children' known as vocalists MBLAQ 'TV's Show' appearance.

February 16th, SBS E! 'TV Show' broadcasting records MBLAQ member Seungho story on his mistake on boarding vocalist SHINee vehicle, causing laughter to erupted in the studio.

Listeners called "Seungho babo" for the opening story banter. MBLAQ members recently attended and participated in a event in Taiwan, Seungho went straight to returned to located his van but then came face to face with vocalist SHINee as he got in.

Accordingly, MBLAQ member Seungho tried to explained, "It was time to finally explain all of this! We were surrounded by craze fans. Just as I managed to open the door, SHINee seem to be rather more surprised."

Meanwhile, MBLAQ's Seungho episode on a boarding SHINee van will broadcast on February 16th at 11AM on SBS E! 'TV Show'.

Source: Nate
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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