Tuesday, February 7, 2012

[PICS] 120206 Jaejoong at Ankara University

Jaejoong shaking hand with President Abdullah Gül of Turkey (Note: The 1st & last picture was was most probably taken at the state dinner instead of at the university). President Abdullah Gül hosted a state dinner for President of South Korea, Lee Myung Bak, which Jaejoong also attend.

Jaejoong with Kim Yeon Koung, South Korean women's volleyball player. She currently plays for Turkish giants, she is South Korea’s most decorated player within the last few years and is known as the Asian Gamova.

Credits: As tagged + kimyk10 + nunuJJ + bimong + DC_Jellery
Via: DBSKnights
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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