Thursday, February 2, 2012

[TRANS] 120130 CGV States, “‘The Day’ Was Cancelled Due To Contract Problems.. There Was No External Pressure”

CGV, the biggest multiplex corporation in Korea, has stated that JYJ’s documentary film was cancelled due to the problems with the contract and had nothing to do with pressure from external forces.

A representative of CGV stated on the 30th, “The only reason JYJ’s documentary film ‘The Day’ was cancelled was because there were problems with the contract.”

‘The Day’ is a documentary-style film that depicts the ordinary everyday lives and dreams of JYJ.

JYJ’s side stated through their official site that, “We write this notice to inform you that the screening of the daily life documentary ‘The Day’ has unfortunately been cancelled,” and “But CGV notified us through a telephone conversation that, “As this is a contract that was not approved by the final arbiter, we will nullify the contract.”"

They also stated, “We cannot accept the cancellation of this contract, which was signed after more than a month of discussions between both parties, due to an internal issue,” and “We will do our best to recover our rights by filing a civil complaint to the Fair Trade Commission and the Grievance Committee against CGV.”

(For the full translation of the notice, go here)

To this, CGV explained, “We decided not the screen ‘The Day’ because there were serious problems in the contract, including the fact that it wasn’t an exclusive run and that there wasn’t a single pre-screening of the documentary with the premiere fast approaching.” They also added, “If the cancellation was because of a certain entertainment agency, we wouldn’t have even considered screening the movie in the first place,” and “There are no external pressure issues in this case.”

Source: [star mt]

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