Saturday, February 4, 2012

[TRANS] 120130 First Criticized For Park Yoochun’s ‘Yacht Incident’, JYJ Are Condemned Once More For Cancelling ‘The Day’


Please take these points into consideration while reading this article :

  • No articles we translate directly represent the opinions and/or beliefs of the translator. However, this not mean that we don’t agree with anything within the article, it just means we may not agree with everything.
  • The reporter in question seems to have no actual knowledge of the events that took place as:
    a) the film wasn’t set to be released on the 29th
    b) he called the film ‘The Jay’ once (I know that the ㄷ and ㅈ keys are right next to each other, but seriously?) and
    c) Yoochun had nothing to do with the yacht incident as already proven in this article.
  • Nothing has been bolded except for the original subtitles as we have been told in the past that bolding may reflect upon our personal opinions.
  • And as always, don’t shoot the messenger.

Once again, please be reminded that we are translating to inform, and are in no way trying to back up the authenticity of the information which is written below.

Following Park Yoochun’s ‘luxury yacht’ incident that gained him criticism from the public, JYJ, a group of three members who left TVXQ, have become the target of condemnation as they failed to keep their promise to their fans to provide a domestic screening of their documentary.

According to their agency C-JeS Entertainment (CEO Baek Chang Joo) on the 30th, an official announcement was released on the 19th which stated that ‘The Day’, a documentary film that depicted the daily lives of the members, would begin screening in 20 major CGV cinemas across the country from the 29th.

However, this film was not released and C-JeS released another notice that stated, “We apologize to the fans but the screening of ‘The Day’ has been cancelled due to a breach in the contract by CGV.”

C-JeS stated, “‘The Day’ is comprised of footage that was unable to air last year, due to a cancellation by the cable channel, which was re-edited to be shown as a film. However, we have not been able to keep our promise to the fans as we received a notification of contract non-fulfillment 15 days before the movie was set to be released.”

It seems as though C-JeS’ actions of releasing an official announcement for the event on the 19th and then releasing a second notice that put the blame on another party, by stating that the movie could not be aired due to a non-fulfillment of the contract, has dealt a damaging blow to the agency’s image in the public’s mind.

Some said that they didn’t agree with C-JeS’ use of the words ‘unreasonable’ and ‘group bullying’ to describe the situation in which a contract breach was the main problem, their statement that ‘The Day’ was not aired due to external pressure and their acts of placing all of the blame onto CGV.

Fans are frowning on C-JeS as it seems as though the agency’s pleading for a petition by making complaints about JYJ’s activities through a written apology that states they are sorry for being unable to screen the movie.

Meanwhile, regarding last week’s incident in which JYJ’s Park Yoochun was found to have been investigated by the police for violating the Ships Safety Act, C-JeS released an explanatory statement that said, “The violation was made due to mismanagement by the business that was hired to take care of the yacht. Park Yoochun is not directly involved in the violation charges.”

Source: [segye]

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