Thursday, February 2, 2012

[TRANS] 120202 Satoshi Tsumabuki & the Staff's Tweets related to Changmin's Movie

(cr:bukky_tsuma, Satoshi Tsumabuki official twitter) I will not tweet for a while, since I want to concentrate in perfecting my role. Sorry, I'm a clumsy person. (Dec 8, 2011)

(cr:bukky_tsuma) Excuse me for my sudden tweets. I am now filming a movie. We all are working on this work at the risk of our lives (T/N: with my hole heart). The schedule is tight and this is a low-budget movie, the staffs and casts are filming without sleeping. So can you all please quietly watch over us? We are happy for everyone's supports, but,
(Jan 29)

(cr:bukky_tsuma) but, if the situation continues, we will not be able to film, moreover, to complete the movie. When I think of everyone's feelings one by one, I am sad and also frustrated, I cannot express (my feelings) in words. We want to make a good movie. And we want to provide the movie to all of you. I want to make the audience say "The Japanese movie is great!" 
(Jan 29)

(cr:bukky_tsuma) Yesterday, the filming stopped because of my unskilled acts, the schedule was delayed for 2 hours, no, 3 hours, and (the schedule) became more tight. But nobody complained and worked with me till the end, and said "Thank you!" with a smile. I was about to cry looking at each of the faces. How wonderful these people are.
(Jan 29) 

(cr:bukky_tsuma) I want to act even more better, with each of the (staff and cast's) feelings in my heart. I am at the risk of my life (T/N: with my hole heart) for this movie. So, please. Please help us. I think that it is unreasonable that I say such things, when I'm the one who is causing the trouble, but please quietly watch over us. Please. 
(Jan 29)

(cr:yamatofield, movie staff) Having a headache with the fans' over-chase. Not only the filming was cancelled, but there was a big complaint from the location site, and we were not able to film again at the same place. Thanks to the situation, the schedule is now tighter than ever, and the cast & staff are all tired out. We have additional trouble to find a different location place. That will lower the quality of the movie.. all connects to negative direction... (Jan 31) 

(cr:yamatofield) There was the official announcement during the filming of the movie. Please. Please do not come to the filming site even though you catch info. We are barely hanging on, we haven't slept for hours. Please leave us alone. If there are additional troubles, accidents or schedule disorder may occur, and there may be a possibility that the movie will not be completed. (Feb 2) 

Source: bukky_tsuma & yamatofield
Translation: smiley @

Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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