Sunday, February 5, 2012

[TRANS] 120205 TVXQ Staff Diary – Flowers Over Yunho?!

Hello : )
This is TVXQ‘s representative.
Tomorrow is TVXQ‘s leader! Uknow Yunho’s 27th birthday.
In celebration of Uknow Yunho’s birthday on 6 Feb, many fans have already sent congratulatory messages. Aside from the congratulatory messages, we are also very thankful to the fans who willingly go the extra mile to do good deeds Sending our greetings via a staff diary after a long~~ time~ ! ^_^
Thank you very much. (^ ^) (_ _)
It would be upsetting if I just end here right? ^ ^
Dashing and charismatic~ Presenting Uknow Yunho~ !! Hahaha
Once again expressing our thanks to TVXQ‘s fans.
Please continue your unwavering support~ ! ^0^
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