Monday, February 6, 2012

[TRANS] 120206 JYJ Kim Jaejoong, Turkey Fanmeeting .. “Focusing On Promoting The Korean Culture”

Group JYJ’s Kim Jaejoong held a successful fanmeeting in Turkey.

On the 6th, management company C-Jes Entertainment stated that Kim Jaejoong held a fanmeeting at the auditorium of Ankara University on the 5th (local time), by invitation from the Korea Culture Centre in Turkey, and received a warm response from 600 fans.

Kim Jaejoong expressed, “I am very thankful to have been given such a warm welcome on my first visit to Turkey. Although there is the purpose of wanting to come and meet the fans in Turkey, since (I am here) on invitation from the Korea Culture Centre in Turkey, I will do my best as a cultural ambassador, to spread awareness about our country’s culture. The next time, I hope to be able to come with the members to hold a concert here.”

On this day, the local fans held red balloons, and sang along to JYJ’s songs. They also revealed a video that they had made for Kim Jaejoong, and other events such as a surprise birthday party, (during which) they sang a birthday song in Korean.

The tickets for the day’s event were made available via application through the Turkish Korea Culture Centre’s website, on a first-come, first-served basis, and 600 tickets were all sold out in 30 minutes.

On 6 Feb, Kim Jaejoong is scheduled to attend a seminar with President Lee Myung Bak, who is on a diplomatic visit, as well as the younger students on Ankara University. He is also expected to attend a state dinner held at the presidential residence of Turkey that evening.

Source: [BaiduTVXQ + Star News via Nate]

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