Sunday, February 12, 2012

[TRANS] 120209 Screen Captures Of Turkish Fans Becoming “Barricades” For The Safety Of JYJ’s Kim Jaejoong Earn Laughter

Turkish fans who became “barricades” for the safety of JYJ’s Kim Jaejoong have been attracting attention.

On the 8th, a video of a news report on Turkish TV, which showed Kim Jaejoong entering Turkey, was uploaded onto a video hosting site. In the video, Kim Jaejoong was seen at the arrival gates of the airport in Turkey, and later waves to the fans who came to welcome him.

Kim Jaejoong’s popularity in Turkey can especially be seen from the warm welcome which he received from fans who were holding placards made with Korean words on them, as well as the Korean flag. It was also notable how the fans remained in an orderly fashion and kept a distance for Kim Jaejoong’s safety.

Kim Jaejoong held an independent fanmeeting in the auditorium of Ankara University, Turkey on 5 February, by invitation from the Korea Culture Centre of Turkey. (His) explosive popularity was demonstrated through how, as the first Korean singer to hold a fanmeeting (in Turkey), his fanmeeting tickets sold out in merely 30 minutes, with over 2000 applications were received.

Meanwhile, besides the fanmeeting in Turkey, Kim Jaejoong also attended the seminar with President Lee Myung Bak, who was on an official visit to 4 Middle-Eastern countries, as well as Turkish youths, which was held in the auditorium of Ankara University. He also attended a state dinner hosted at the presidential residence of Turkey, once again proving his high popularity there.

Source: [BaiduTVXQ + enews24 via Nate]
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