Saturday, February 11, 2012

[TWITTER] Jaejoong's Twitter Updates (11th Feb 2012)

13:00 KST
[Trans] Jiji

17:49 KST
[Trans] A parcel has arrived.. Wow~~

17:49 KST
[Trans] Unpacked this and.. 

17:50 KST
코끼리 포장이들어있어서 다시 뜯어보니 
[Trans] It includes an elephant packaging so I attempt to unpack it again 

17:50 KST
네모난 상자가 하나 더 나왔다 
[Trans] One more packaging and a box appeared

17:51 KST
그안엔 또 다른 상자가 들어있었고..그안엔.. 
[Trans] There was another packaging inside the box again.. Inside that..

17:52 KST
여자 인형이 들어있었다.
[Trans] There was a female doll...

17:53 KST
5단 포장안에 인형 너 어디서 온거니.. 수고했다 ㅠ
[Trans] A doll in 5 layers of packaging. Where do you come from.. You've worked hard 

Source: Jaejoong's twitter
Translated by iivyhe @ twitter & DBSKnights
Shared by: DBSKnights

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