Saturday, February 11, 2012

[TRANS] 120211 TONE Concert, Fukuoka (Feb 11) Various Fans' Tweets

(cr:ceciluknow) Yunho's hair color was changed to dark brown. I think that for Honey Funny Bunny, golden hair is better ( ̄ロ ̄;)

(cr:chamishino) Finished~♪( ´▽`) Changmin's spirits were so high! In the first half, he was grinning.. he was saying during the MC "I'm feeling so funny even if there isn't anything." (^^;;

(cr:yuccaun) YH: We want to talk seriously. We wanted to hold a live concert all the time since we resumed our activities in Jan 2011. We wanted to meet and say thank you to all the fans who have been waiting for us even during the time we cannot hold activities as Tohoshinki.

(cr:yuccaun) YH: We are saying these red towels and stick lights are "RED POWER". We are always receiving so many powers from all of you. Please support us in the future, too. (bowed deeply, more than 90 degrees)

(cr:yuccaun) CM: Lately I'm filming something different, I'm getting thinner, and tired. YH: I'm worn out, too, since ◯◯ & ◯◯ (dance songs) continued. CM: I was tired from the 2nd song.

(cr:yk_cham) During the Bibari & Rui (Pikaru no teiri) gag, Yunho threw his arms around Changmin \(^o^)/

(cr:yk_cham) During Bibari & Rui, Yunho buried his face in Changmin's neck, Changmin seemed really surprised\(^o^)/

(cr:yhxcm_212) During the MC, walking back from the center stage to the main stage, Yunho's jacket turned up and bared his chest, and Changmin gently fixed it up (∵)< Changmin, you're so kind!!(*´・J・`)<…。(∵)<So cool!!(*´・J・`)< He silently did it, that means, he should have been worrying that Yunho's chest be bared xDD

(cr:i_know_you1973) After Yunho came back (from wiping his face), he said "I have no make up now!" ←Handsome-! So cool ! calls were raised from the audience. He said he had a lonely birthday on Feb 6 (´Д`) OMG~

(cr:chamishino) During easy mind, Changmin blew a kiss towards the camera(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) This time, it was a kiss like "I'll do it!" Changmin was super hyper today xDDD

(cr:yuccaun) After the encore song, CM said "So, the next is my corner!" YH "???" (The song "Happy Birthday" was ringing out in the venue, and the cake appeared) CM "Yunho, Happy Birthday!"

(cr:sachixiah) After the "Rising Sun" of the encore, the cake appeared, and we celebrated Yunho's birthday\(^o^)/ Immediately after Yunho blew out the candle, Changmin seized a bit of the cake and put it on to Yunho's face xDDD

(cr:keikochami) What was the most most most most impressive thing was that, after the cream (of the cake) was put on Yunho face, he wiped his face saying "That was pleasant!". Changmin said "Are you abnormal? You're saying you're feeling good after you've been hurt." xDDDD

(cr:hrcm218) CM: So the next is, YES! this is a new song, when you say Mar 14, it is White Day, and boys give candy to girls..but we ..will release such lonely songs.......buuuuuuu"←he was laughing by himself

(cr: rayco_oh) SAM-san was laughing at Changmin's talk during the encore. Oh, I should watch Tohoshinki, not SAM-san xDD

Source: (Various Twitter Accounts)
Trans: smiley @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

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