Wednesday, February 15, 2012

[TRANS] 120214 [C-JeS] JYJ “The Day” New Screening Information

We are sorry for the changes in the screening of the JYJ daily documentary “The Day” .
The JYJ daily documentary cinema edition was to commemorate Valentine’s Day in February, but it was cancelled unilaterally by CGV due to contractual issues.
Initially, we also considered delaying the screening or amending the contract so that the contract could be effected, but eventually we made the announcement to the fans for the cancellation of the screening.
We had produced this cinema version because this documentary that could not be broadcast, to cater to the local fans. It is a pity that we can only choose to screen it in theaters. However, the determination of wanting to share this movie with the local fans called to us, and we worked hard to reach an agreement with Lotte Cinema, and managed to screen the movie within the shortest time possible. Also, there will be a special stage greeting from JYJ for the first day and weekend screenings.
We would also like to clarify that this is a reproduced version of the TV documentary, that was edited for cinema screening, so please bear this special circumstance in mind when watching the film. Please meet with the normal, yet extremely special daily lives of JYJ from one year ago~!
From 23 – 26 February, “The Day” will be aired in 17 theaters across the country. Please give this film lots of love.
Tickets will go on sale from 20 February, further details will be provided on the C-JeS and Lotte Cinema ( homepages before 17 February.
Source : [BaiduTVXQ + C-JeS]
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