Tuesday, February 21, 2012

[TRANS] 120216 Trot Singer Hong Ban Jang Mentions Yunho In An Interview

(T/N: The title of the original interview was “Trot Singer Hong Ban Jang ‘Arduous Life, Made Better Through Music’” )

We have discovered that you are good friends with TVXQ’s Uknow Yunho?
“I was in the same class as Yunho from Grade 2 to Grade 5 in elementary school. When we were in the 5th grade, Yunho transferred schools, so we were separated. We met again in high school, but I transferred to Seoul after less than a year, so we were separated again. At that time, we lost contact. Then Yunho became a star, and we managed to contact each other again after that. I am very happy to be able to see him.”

Did you tell him you were going to debut as a singer?
“Yes of course. Yunho tried really hard to talk me out of it. He told me that the life of an artist was very tiring and very difficult. Also, it was not guaranteed that I would do well. It seems he could not bear to see a friend suffer. Even so, when I really stood in the recording studio, the first person to come visit and give me support was Yunho.”

(irrelevant portions omitted)

Source : [BaiduTVXQ + Daily Sports via Naver]
Translated & Shared by : dongbangdata.net

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