Monday, February 20, 2012

[TRANS] 120217 Xiah Junsu’s Charm… 99% Of The Audience Of The Musical “Elisabeth” Are Females

“Due to an insufficient number of female washrooms, some washrooms intended for use by males have also been converted to female washrooms.”

As each of the musical performances that Kim Junsu performs in attracts a large number of female audiences, even the washrooms in the performance venue have to be changed.

During the intermission of the performance of the musical “Elisabeth” on 15 February, during which Kim Junsu played the role of “Death (Tod)” , the number of female audiences in the washrooms at the Blue Square Musical Hall in Seoul spiked. On this day, (the management) of the theatre opened the male washrooms on the basement floor for use by female audiences. The caretaker turned away male guests who were trying to use that washroom by saying, “It’s only because Kim Junsu is performing today, please understand.”

Since their opening in November 2011, although the theatre has realised that there is a large influx of female guests when local musicals are being performed, and has since increased the number of female washrooms, it is still insufficient on days when Kim Junsu performs. The capacity of the female washrooms in the theatre are already the highest in Korea, with an average of 1 female washroom cubicle for every 25.9 seats. The Charlotte Theatre in Jamshil (only) has one female cubicle for every 33.5 seats.

Such “situations” arise because the tickets for shows in which Kim Junsu performs in are all sold out, and a majority of the audiences are female. Interpark, which provides the online ticketing service, expressed that over 99% of the buyers of tickets for Kim Junsu’s performances of “Elisabeth” are female purchasers. Although female purchasers may bring males along to watch the performance, but this is unseen in the history of Korea’s musical theatres.

The 20 shows of “Elisabeth” in which Kim Junsu will be appearing, with a total of 31,960 tickets, all sold out within 10 minutes. The tickets for his shows are also the only ones which are being resold by ticket scalpers. According to reports, prices in Japan have been marked up from the original 150,000 won to 100,000 yen (approximately 1,440,000 won). The theatre rents out approximately 100 opera glasses (binoculars used for watching performances or shows), but there are plans to purchase more in preparation for Kim Junsu’s performances.

Source : [BaiduTVXQ + DongA Daily via Nate]
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