Saturday, February 18, 2012

[TRANS] 120218 TONE Concert, Niigata (Feb 18) Various Staff & Fans' Tweets

Before the concert

(my tweet) [INFO] TONE Niigata (first day) will be held today, Feb 18 (Sat) 18:00JST at the Niigata Toki Messe. Goodies will be on sale from 13:00.

(cr:syami_tvxq) We started queuing for the Niigata goodies♪  There are about 20 people in line before us~and many are coming. It is still dark here \(^o^)/ (T/N: more than 7 hours left before the goodies will be on sale)

(cr:syami_tvxq) The lights are all off where we are queuing for the goodies, very dark (´Д`) But we are fortunate that we can wait inside the building. Hwaiting\(^o^)/

(cr:syami_tvxq) There's that giant TONE banner right in front of us~(´▽`) I'm wearing warm clothes, but my feet are cold.. but I'll stick to it\(^o^)/

(cr:yoonholover) it isn't snowing now. it isn't deep as expected, compared to last night. oh, i'm now in niigata.

(cr:syami_tvxq) the queue for goodies are now about 100.

(cr:yoonholover) the sky towards the Messe started to clear up^^

(cr:syami_tvxq) premium goodies booth. currently approx 30 are in queue.

(cr:yuka_chami) super cool!!!

(cr:Cmin2Co) 958 are queuing in the Toki Messe (goodies booth) now.

(cr:syami_tvxq) the queue for the goodies, there should be more than 1000

(cr:syami_tvxq) the goodies' queue is now extended to the outside of the venue

(cr:moco9999) Niigata airport is closed and we couldn't land, we came back to Itami (T/N: Osaka). We don't know if we can get another flight... for those who are going to Niigata, there is high possibility that the flight will be cancelled! You should think of other ways to reach Niigata.

(cr:moco9999) I was able to get a flight an hour later to Haneda (T/N: Tokyo)! I will ride on the bullet train from there. Since it is a rare experience, I'm worried, but excited, too. Thinking positively! It'll be OK, just that I reach Niigata.

(cr:TVyunhoXQ) It is already in the news → "Tohoshinki Niigata first day, 2000 are in queue for the goodies" http://japanese.kpop...ple-waiting.htm

(cr:chielinrin) (27 min ago) Toki Messe first day, they started to sell the goodies 30 min earlier than scheduled☆ So many people!

(cr:yoonholover) the goodies queue is now moving forward

(cr:wanko201011) very long queue for the premium seat goodies' booth^^;

(cr:Dr_Changmin_bot) many of u should have taken a pic of 【Bambi】 in the venue, should be crowded

(cr:TVyunhoXQ ) the pouch sold out in 45 minutes.

(cr:Kakiyan37 , tone band member) Heavy snow in Niigata city!!

(cr:syami_tvxq) goodies queue. the very end of the queue is still outside

(cr:syami_tvxq) At last I got the goodies ~(≧▽≦)ノ Everyone, thanks for your cheers. Oh, I was in line for more than 6 hours. got tired(´▽`)

(cr:syami_tvxq) got my ballpoint pen!

(cr:yoonholover) the real TONE trucks, standing in line (^^)

(cr:ohmygaaa) Tohoshinki Niigata goodies info← the first one in line started queuing around 3:00am xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Too much xDDDDDDDDDDDDD

(cr:wanko201011) got to take this photo. the premium seat entrance^^

(cr:ywkibhs , Toho dancer member YWKI) NIGATA--☆ THANK YOU!

(cr:ENOYU1208 , Toho dancer YUSUKE) Arrived at Niigata. It's 20 years since touching such smooth snow.

(cr:ENOYU1208) YWKI-kun sitting next to me is saying to RT this pic xDD RT: @ywkibhs

(cr:tv5xq_218) My father is a bus driver. Today, he was driving the course to Toki Messe, with Tohoshinki fans as passengers. So he used this Tohoshinki stick light as a sign, so the passengers can recognize their bus.

(cr:tv5xq_218) He seems to have said "I'm not a fan, but pls come back to this bus, checking this sign." The bus was filled with laughter, he said xD And a passenger asked my father to convey the message to me, a Tohoshinki fan, "Please give my best regards to your daughter." I want to be friends with her ( p_q) Should she be on Twitter?p_q

During the concert

(cr:i_know_you1973) Yunho tried to push the birthday cake into Changmin's face, but he failed. He grabbed some of the cake with his hands and put it on Changmin's face and said, "At last I could revenge"

(cr:eri0929) The Niigata TONE finished! We sang Changmin the birthday song, and Yunho's words to Changmin was "AZASSU" (T/N: thanks!)

(cr:brillianthomin) The birthday surprise timing was the same as that of Yunho hyung! Yunho requested Changmin to blow out the candles with one breath. Changmin sat down on his heels, and blew it out in one breath. He was taking care not to have his head dumped into the cake by holding his elbow out on the table, and carefully kept a distance with the cake. Yunho was pushing Changmin's face down, but Changmin was enduring with all his might xD But! Yunho boldly took some cream from the top of the cake and daubed it all over Changmin's face☆ xDDD Changmin's face (on the right side) was all cream, and some was also on his hair. It was a sight to see, but he was looking at the monitor and laughing "Ahahaha!!" He seemed to be so happy.

(cr:brillianthomin) Yunho said "Everyone celebrated my birthday in Fukuoka, it is really a good feeling to be celebrated of your birthday on stage!" And with the bibari-like face, he said "At last I could revenge!", with a victory pose!(∵)

(cr:brillianthomin) When Changmin went off stage, Yunho was rummaging the cloth under the cake. "I know there is a towel here (∵)" and he was wiping his creamed hands with the white towel. Changmin came out with a clean face, but he seemed to care about the oily stuff, and he washed his face two times with the water in the black bottle xDD

(cr:brillianthomin) For the Pikaru corner, first of all, there was a talk that Shiratori-san was not their type. Yunho said his taste was different, and asked Changmin "What about you?" Changmin was hesitating a little before answering, so the audience said "NO! She isn't your taste" Changmin then said "Every one of you should know whether or not she is my taste" xDD

(cr:yoonholover) Today's Yunho was covered with sweat from the beginning, as he was saying so himself, too.

(cr:syeri8xq) Yunho and Changmin was bumping into each other from the beginning. Yes, there were a few times that they seemed to bump into each other, and it was always Changmin who was the one to avoid. Yunho, are you sweeping majestically, or, are you just slow to notice things? xDD

(cr:_elidong_i) I think it was during Weep, Changmin made a heart using both of his forefingers, it was really soooooooooooooooooo cute! Oh Changmin, you sometimes do such cute things, the power is so great\(^o^)/

(cr:chaminawife) Changmin's high spirits was really something (´;ω;`) He seemed overexcited, his Japanese was poor xD And Yunho was as always, so cute! He was making mistakes in the lyrics and also said 2011 instead of 2012!!!

(cr:chaminawife) Yunho, you're missing so many of the lyrics xDD He was laughing it off with his "HAHAHA" xDDD

(cr:chaminawife) And during introducing STILL, Changmin made a mistake and said the release date as Mar 18 instead of 14. The fans said "14!", but Changmin ignored us. Yunho said the correct date, but Changmin said "It doesn't matter!" Master MAX xDDD

(cr:hachami_) Yunho "Everyone celebrated my birthday the other day, it is really a good feeling to be celebrated on stage! I want Changmin to become more cool in the future. Changmin is handsome, good singer, good dancer, tall, really good looking, I envy him."

(cr:kerotvxqlikeyou) A man (in his 30s) sitting next to me was continously saying "OMG! They're cool! What should I do?" (^O^)

(cr:mal_san) Finished! Cheers for all of your hard works. To the person whose birthday is today, happy birthday!

Note: I've combine the 2 original post (1 & 2) into one

Source: (Various Twitter Accounts)
Trans: smiley @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

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