Wednesday, February 22, 2012

[TRANS] 120221 [Missha CEO Seo Yeong Pil] The First Part Of Missha’s CF Has Been Completed

[TVXQ] Part one of the CF is out ㅠㅠ

This CF consists of two parts. The part that I have mentioned, which will be released on 28 February ,is the “Arrival” part. Although it is only 1 minute long, it cannot be said to be a preview clip. Because it’s different.^^ (The screen capture is from the ending scene of the “Arrival” part.)

Also, the “Allure” part…will be a 4-5 minutes long clip. It will be revealed at the venue of the release ceremony on 30 March. ^^

They are two parts which are very different.. I am curious… How the responses from TVXQ fans, and also customers who like Missha, will be like.. Please wait for awhile~~

Source: [BaiduTVXQ + Seo Yeong Pil's Facebook Page]
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