Monday, February 27, 2012

[TRANS] Singles March 2012 Part 2 (end): Once In A Lifetime Moment – Kim Junsu‏

You lost weight recently, was it due to football playing? (You) seems to be pretty serious of the activity with FC MEN.

I will play football about once a week in winter and probably about thrice a week during summer and autumn.

Is there any professional footballer that is close to you?

I am pretty close with goalkeeper Jung Seung Yong and additionally, due to a Vietnam charity soccer match, I do get along well with players Park Ji Sung, Lee Chung Yong and Yoo Shang Chul. But they seems to be busy so we did not contact each other that often.

What is the charm of soccer?

Ahh, if I were to be reborn, I would like to be a footballer. If I am a professional footballer, it would not be a problem if I dates. It seems to be okay even if I scold someone? Even things like driving after drinking, one can still go on the next match. This is the difference from being an artiste. An artiste lives on his/her image while a footballer is based on the ability. It was acceptable for Liverpool player (Luis) Suarez to reject the handshake from Manchester United player (Patrice) Evra, as both were strong in abilities. However no matter how strong the ability of an artiste is, the minute one’s image is bad, he/she’s gone. I love to play football since I was young. My elder brother played baseball while I played football. Therefore if my family were to support both of us in sports field, it would be harsh (on my parents). My elder brother is more qualified than me therefore upon the choice when one of us have to give up, I said that I’ll be the one giving up.

But your twin brother Junho is also becoming the new Hallyu star in Japan now.

My brother played baseball very well, so much so that he is actually at the standard where professional clubs have approached him. However the irony is that my brother actually confessed that he doesn’t like to play baseball. At the crossroad thinking if he wants to have a professional baseball career, he felt that if he were to spend his life as a professional baseball player, no matter how successful or how huge the amount earned, he won’t be happy. At that time I was about to debut as TVXQ and I was pretty angry with it. My father who has been supporting my brother was working very hard too. But right now I felt satisfied, because from a younger brother’s point of view, he is now working hard to repay our trust.

When did you start to have such a husky voice?

I think it’s during the third year in middle school or first year of high school. Although I started singing since 5th grade, it was during my middle school that I went through puberty voice changing period. I was not able to sing for about 3 to 4 years as I simply can’t produce a voice, so I forced myself by shouting. After that period, my voice became husky too.

Do you like your own voice?

I did not take any particular notice of it at first, but singing is the only way for people to recognize me. At first, everyone who met me would say, “Has your voice turned hoarse? You must have trained a lot.” In fact, this became my pressure. When I first heard my voice at the radio station, I had a shock too, because it’s too husky. It’s almost unbearable, haha! Now, as I have been listening to it, I felt that it’s quite okay.

Your singing was often been brought up (in topics), and was greatly praised by Jun Soo Kyung and Park Sun Joo. Don’t you wish to face a new challenge with your singing? For example, appearance on programs like “I Am A Singer”.

I have somewhat heard of these, for example, if Xiah Junsu will appear on “I Am A Singer” etc. But it was due to the inability to appear on variety programs thus (I) could not participate.

Just in variety programs that you can’t participate?

It is possible to attend in current affairs, finance, culture, dramas and movies but only in variety that we are not able to participate.

This must be regrettable.

Actually I am not that ambitious with variety but still, there’s a major difference between not participating and unable to participate. At times I wish to appear on some good music programs as well, such as “Music Wave”, “Open Concert”, “Love Request”, “Sketchbook” etc. It actually hurts to be unable to stand on such stages as a singer.

The JYJ World Tour became a breakout to the restrictions and the reactions were rather enthusiastic. Whose idea was that?

Our company’s representative did these perfectly and this is also what the three of us have desired to accomplish.

How does it feel upon meeting overseas fans?

I was astonished at first. Although I was already shocked during the first US showcase but these countries where we have yet to visit before, like the fans from Canada, Spain and Germany, they are able to sing along with us, cheered and shouted our korean name as well. It felt so amazing and am very happy. Although at times I thought of giving everything up, when moments like these happened, I can feel the energy emitting out again.

You have ever thought of giving up.

Sometimes. Compared to the past, the current situation is slightly better. If were to say that in the past none of the 10 jobs are able to be done, then currently out of 10, we are able to do about 2 to 3 of it. In fact, underneath the surface, we have each listed 10 different jobs. It’s just that we only did what was supposed to be done and did not announce the rest. Because of such, there are fans who blamed the company for not helping us in some way but in reality, it isn’t so. I would like to take the opportunity to say that if we were to proceed with everything that we have planned, we would be even more hectic than the current schedules.

The most talked-about artiste on Twitter last year was JYJ.

Under such depressing circumstances, Twitter became our way of communication with fans and it helped a lot. Therefore, this is also the only media we had. Sometimes news articles does not contain the truth. Right now if there’s anything I want to say, I can only do it through Twitter anyway.

You have mentioned before that you dreamt of becoming a singer after seeing Kangta. From your point of view, as there are many trainees who are dreaming of becoming a singer, what’s your advice for them?

Not becoming an idol? In our country, the idol world is indeed…. haha

What happened? Was it the difficult part where you have to live as a celebrity?

Mm, how should I put it. I am the type who will be happily facing the challenges and will work hard to overcome the pressure from the challenges. It’s bound to have some losses and gains. Therefore all the artistes and idols must realized this point and not walk towards the extreme ends easily. At first I did not understand this too and only look at the loss and thus suffered.

Though there were many difficulties in between, but to think from a different point of view, you have actually accomplished what some might not able to achieve even after a lifetime of hard work. It is amazing for a 27 years old to receive such great reputation.

In the beginning, I would tend to think negatively and thus became pessimistic thinking, why did I want to become an artiste? I’m not able to date freely, and am not able to go Lotte World or Caribbean Bay. I really envied the non-celebrities. Not only me, the other idols faced the same issues too, because the restrictions for an idol are more stringent. Thinking of it now, I only thought of the loss and never understood what I had actually gained. When I was listening to my friends’ conversation, I realized those issues that were a norm to me, were in fact their problems. Ah ha, everyone is almost the same in the end! Therefore starting from now on, I will be grateful towards the things I have gained. I have to change my thinking basis. If I were to be reborn, I would definitely not be an artiste. I am sure about this. It doesn’t mean that I am hating my life now, it’s just that I wished to enjoy what I had lost.

Ah, looks like you really want to go to Lotte World?

Yes! I really like to… the land of dreams!

What was one thing that you are most thankful for?

Everyone’s recognition for me. They looked at me, applauded me and the love they gave. As it is only once in a lifetime and to be able to enjoy like this, I am indeed very grateful.

Was it due to the gratefulness that you developed the thought to build a school in Cambodia?

After leaving the (ex) company, I thought I would not be able to continue my singing career anymore. In fact, if I did not had that initial realization, I would not leave the company. The six sessions of concert at Japan Tokyo Dome were sold out and this could probably just be the highest position attained isn’t it? It is actually very complicating. We had actually worked so hard to climb up and yet we are going to break it all down. It is really scary and very frightening. But one point was sure: Aren’t we very happy like this? After the 13 years contract ended, we would be in our thirties and this is the age where a normal person would be independently living in this world. Will I be happy with my life then? Sleeping for 2 hours daily and spending other hours struggling, this is not acceptable. Of course I did worried for the staffs who have been taking care and working hard for us but no matter how I think about it, this is really not a life I live for myself. I ever thought of giving everything up. Though it has been tough, I can finally restart the activities again and restart as a singer, living a brand new life. Therefore I would want to share everything that I have, because I should share when I am able to.

For the things that you have lost, which is the most regrettable?

Because I’m an artiste, the restrictions were many and one of it is dating.

Recently there’s a lot (of artistes) who revealed their love relationship. Is it possible for you now?

Maybe. I am already 27 and if I said that I have never dated anyone before, isn’t it a joke? If I really haven’t been in a relationship, it must be weird too. It’s not as if I have a sickness. Fans said this to me, “It’s okay if you are in a relationship, but please let us know.” I can understand such mentality as it is a major difference between letting everyone know or not.

Is this an etiquette towards the fans?

Yes, but the three of us felt that we can’t be hiding everything obligingly as before. Dating doesn’t mean we are getting married. It’s not like it’s a bad thing, in fact isn’t it supposed to be a wonderful thing?

The next question must be a question you have not heard for ages. What is your ideal type?

A girl who I love. Rather than a girl who loves me, I think I might be more suitable to be with a girl I love. Actually girls should be with a guy who loves her, in that way they will be happier.

If were to say a specific type?

I have nothing specific for looks. But there’s something which is important. That is, I like girls who are respectful to elders and with proper etiquettes. Additionally I dislike girls who smokes. I am actually a very conservative person. And probably because I am not a smoker thus I would have such request. No matter how pretty or how popular that girl is, it’s unacceptable if she doesn’t fulfill these two prerequisites.

Don’t you want to be in a love relationship?

I do. (I) have to be in a love relationship in order to sing a song well. The singers in their 30s and 40s were able to meaningfully sang their song are not entirely due to their singing skills but because of the difference in sensibility. When Im Jae Bum sunbae sang “How come, us’, it really have the emotions of ‘How come… us’. In terms of techniques, many singers in their 20s are able to sing it well and hit those high notes. However the relay of the song’s sensibility and emotions are unable to be mimicked. This has to be trained through experiences and time.

That is to say when singing, the sensibility is more important than the technique used?

Techniques can be trained, therefore you just have to train hard. But how do you maintain the sensibility? It is not going to work simply by practicing. All songs comprises of different emotions and I think that to emote it the way with your own feelings is the best. It will be relayed to the listeners in this way. No matter how great your technique is or how outstanding your singing is, if there is no emotions to it, a single listen to it will reveal its flaws. Therefore even with just a small portion of it that would lead to goosebumps, one should thought of working hard to sing it. If there is a portion of the lyrics where you have not experienced before, recall a similar experience and think about it, then sing it out. If it’s a happy song, sing it smiling. If it’s a sad song, put on the saddest expression and sing it out. It has to be like this in order to relay your voice out.

The Kim Junsu in his 30s must be a sentimental person than anyone else.

I wish to become such a handsome uncle. I have no qualms against aging. It’s okay even if I have a big belly or wrinkles. I just want to become a charming and moral uncle, just like my father.

Is your father your role model?

I hope to be like how my father is treating my mother. My father really treats my mother well. I can also understand why. As my mother was a Miss Korea, my father courted her for five years but my mother hates how my father likes her, haha! Anyway, since we were young, whenever my dad is dishwashing or laundry washing, he would emphasized to us, “If you want to be liked by your wife, you have to at least things like dishwashing.” If I were to use an expression to describe my father, is that he is one without any male chauvinism. Whenever friends came to our house to play, he will joke around without any hesitation.

Looks like your family is surrounded in a warm environment.

That’s right! Very harmonious, even brother is a completely funny and mischievous person.

So have you really wash the laundry and dishes?

Of course. Of course I did and has been doing it very often since I was young.

Hmm, he is indeed a good youth who is growing up~

Credit: baidu+loveissammi
Trans by: rachui@sharingyoochun
Shared by: Jasmi @ DongBang-Blaq

Part 1

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